Fury the Gurrcat

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Name: Fury The Gurrcat
Age: 2 years
Hair Color: Dark brown
Eye Color: Golden/Green.
Height: 1.2 meters at shoulders.
Weight: 70-90kg's.
Length: 2.7 meters, nose to tail.
Current Squad: Wraith
Reasons for joining the Empire: *RAWR*
Favorite passtime: Scaring recruits, techs and Yoder.


The Cat[edit]

Fury the Gurrcat was added to the membership of the squad at the begining of Keep Your Head as a gag by Yillis, however the cat soon became popular with the squad to the point that they named it after their Prefect, Fury. In part out of respect and in part because they believe the future confusion will be amusing.

As a member of the squad Fury has not done too much of note other than scare Yoder and swallow Mike Zenima. He has a habit of following Yillis and/or Sniping101 around when they let him out of the briefing room, which became his home after he was shot with a stun blast by the frightened Yoder. He has his own full sized room on the Queen Tetras Revenge although he's allowed to roam the ship at his leasure, finding himself often relaxing in the lounge or Snipes room.