Kanderin Draken

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Kanderin Azalar Draken
Military Information

Kanderin Draken


2nd Lieutenant


Army High Council



Biographical Information







156 Pounds

Hair Color

Formerly dyed midnight black, his hair is naturally brown. Recently cut short, allowing only his fringe to remain long.

Eye Color


Personal Information

Galactic Empire

Physical Information[edit]

Standing at 6 foot and one inch, Kanderin is quite proud of his height. He isn't as strong as one of his size would normally be expected to be, but as with most of the Corps small muscle bulges are visible when wearing regular clothing.


Various stubs of information appear on Kanderin's personal record, completely missing any explanation as to where the abilities emerged. Among which were his grasps of most known langugages across Imperial space. It's often believed the list is incomplete, most recently because of his understanding of the Wookie MadClaw's langugage.

Known Relatonships[edit]

Wraith Squad - Two years experience with them has brought him quite close to them.

The Tatooine Rebellion Cells - He worked with one particular cell for sixteen years, and is a quite renowned figure within their ranks. After his betrayl of their ranks, it is rumoured a bounty has been placed upon his head.

Military Career[edit]

After passing through Drill Squad with distinction, he was placed within a somewhat fading Iron Horse Squad under the command of Kami. He lasted a few weeks before the squad dissolved, and was reinstated in Wraith Squad controlled by Slick and Snipes. He quickly developed bonds with specific members, in particular Arnaut and D'har Leth.

The squad went through many major reshuffles within his first few months, in particular the promotion of Arnaut up to Squad Leader. Kanderin, having the same experience and devotion as Arnaut, was placed as the Assistant Squad Leader under the current situation, and promoted to Lance Corporal. After about a month in the position, he stepped down to allow new addition Yillis into the ASL position, and instead took over as the squad's Fire Team Captain until the title's abolishment a few months later.

Yillis was placed as paladin's Squad Leader after a decent contribution to the squad. Arnaut then went on leave for just over a week, leaving Snipes and Kanderin in control of the squad. During this time, Kanderin was praised by Platoon Commander Rizzit for his exceptional work for the squad.

Upon Arnaut's return, Kanderin was placed into the Assistant Squad Leader position once again, and later promoted to Corporal.

From there on, things become sketchy in the report. Punctutated with large blotches of disappearance, his record progressed as far as placement as Senior Sergeant before any noteable change, at which point the Platoon command of Wildcard had fallen apart almost entirely. In the weeks that followed, both Kanderin and his mentor Arnaut were put forward as the people most capable of taking over. Kanderin's abilities were seen by Imperial Command as more suited to a battlefield situation, and it was for that reason Arnaut was chosen. Kanderin officially ended his training as Arnaut's apprentice, and became leader of his first true home, Wraith Squad.

As of the current date, Kanderin has trained three new Assistants. Ron had been an outstanding student and moved very quickly onto leadership of RAIDERS, a squad formally manned by Kanderins other apprentice Helena. The bond shared between himself and Helena was seen as strong by everyone that encountered the pair, Helena being seen as a partner of Kanderin more often than an assistant. While Kanderin was strong but diplomatic, Helena was headstrong and confrontational. In interrogations, one of them was always guaranteed to successfully break the prey, it was a competition between them as to which one did it first.

Wraith's squads doomed mission on the space station simply added to the claims of more than just a professional bond forming between the two. Kanderin sustained a fatal wound, his throat gnawed out almost entirely by a victim of the skineating disease that had claimed the entire base. Despite his orders, Helena ordered the squad to bring Kanderin onto the ship, where she operated on him for nearly five hours before he came around. They shared a kiss that day, one only witnessed by RK. More notably, Helena left her own office in the squads barracks to take up residence in Kanderin's own.

In the Wildcard campaign of (), Helena left Wraiths service, citing personal problems. A heated exchange had been heard between Kanderin and Helena that night, but both have refused to talk about it.

Several months passed by without incident, until Wraith Squad were called upon to defend their own moon from attack. The fight was overwhelming and the squad spent most of it on their back foot, until an At-At nearly broke their line entirely. Kanderin hatched a plan for their own attack vehicle, the Juggernaut to distract the At-At while a small strike team lead by himself would take out it's legs. The plan however went horribly wrong and the Juggernaut was destroyed by the At-At. Kanderin, believing half his squad was now dead because of a mistake on his behalf gave up hope and rushed the At-At solo. A carefully aimed rocket blast hit the vehicle square in the neck, causing it to immediately collapse defeated. The squad leader managed to pull himself free of the debris, and staggered five hundred yards before being collected by friendly forces. Despite discovering the Juggernaut crew had escaped with only minor injuries, Kanderin showed resentment towards his own decisions.

His promotion to Sergeant Major for his selfless work that day, the highest enlisted rank one could hope to achieve, did nothing to boost his spirits. He had failed his squad, an idea that haunted him until he eventually let it take him over, relinquishing Wraith's command to his former student Ron. Although the highest ranked soldier in his squad, Kanderin refuses to take any part in Wraith's decisions.

He did not remain for long as a trooper though. Despite the fact he was out of squad leadership, he still couldn't focus his mind on the task at hand, albeit training or a genuine mission. Believing himself to be a burden, he retired from Active Duty only to be approached by the then Commander of Training Riqimo Pershaw. Following his advice he applied for the position of Drill Instructor at the Academy, and was instated officially two weeks later.

The Academy was somewhere he settled into quickly. He was popular among the recruits, young yet experienced, strict yet still sat next to in the cantina. It was a job that he had enjoyed more than any other in a long time, one he saw himself seeing through to retirement. Several months later however, a letter from the Army High Council fell upon his desk, shortly followed by another. The first was an invitation to the Officers exam, which he sat four days later. The second was to inform him of the resignation of Riqimo, news that spelt trouble for the Academy that had prospered under him. Kanderin and his fellow drill instructors continued as normal however, simply taking the bulk of the complex on their shoulders.

The day of the exam, Rizzit Blackheart, the Prefect of the Army, stopped him on his way out of the hall. His exam was marked there and then, and he left the building not only a Lieutenant but also the Commander of Training.

Months later however

Early Information[edit]

The following was a diary entry, found torn away under one of the beds in the Wraith Squad barracks. The handwriitng has led most to beleive it was written by Kanderin.

I never knew my parents. I was abandoned at a very young age, in the caves near Mos Eisley. All that was left of my identity was a small note, which read 'Its too dangerous for us to keep this child, please look after him'. I spent a week alone in that cold, wet and smelly cave before I was found.

The woman that found me was a Twi-lek by the name of Shara. She was on her way to Mos Eisley, but stopped when she noticed my cradle. She took me with her into the Blue Moon Bar, past the rude and vile creatures that drank their life away there, and into a small room behind the counter.

Shara turned out to be part of a mercenary group, fighting for the town's freedom from the oppressive (or so I was told) regime of the Empire. I was taught to fight not long after I learnt to walk. I could kill a man with my bare hands easier than completing a simple sum. I was planning on staying with the group for my entire life, so there was no need for my tutoring. I was taught how to fight, how to run, and advanced gymnastics. By the time I was 5 I could jump to the roof of a single storey building, outrun a full-grown man, and dazzle an opponent with speed. For the next 10 years, I got stronger, and even faster.

It was on my 15th birthday that Shara took me with her on a raid. I remember it like it was yesterday. We met in the sewers leading out of the town. There was me, Shara, and 3 other men. The first was called Ardal. He was the tallest of us, and by far the strongest. His head was bald and his eyes black, like a security guard at the Empire's headquarters. He boasted that he could rip a corp soldier in half with his bare hands, which from past experiences I would believe. The second man looked completely out of place beside Ardal. He resembled a rat, tiny and very weedy. His name was Dante (impressive name for a pathetic individual). But what Dante lacked in power, he more than made up for in speed. Dante was an expert thief, could steal your clothes without you even noticing.

The last man I can't quite remember. Probably because he never spoke. He always sat in the corner, his entire body covered by a black robe. He only ever spoke when it was vital, which made me very suspicious of him. Strangely the others trusted him with their lives. A mistake they would never forget.

Another group of mercenaries were required to attack the first scout group they saw, thus creating a diversion for us, to creep right underneath them. We sat in that rancid sewer for what must have been hours, before we heard blaster shots up above, our signal to move. Shara sprung up from next to me, silently signalled to the rest of us to follow, and ran down the path. We ran for a few miles, before stopping at a ladder leading up to a sewer grate. Sharla signalled us up to the surface. We all went up, one by one until it was my turn, at which point Sharla grabbed me by the hand and brought me close to her face.

" Listen, if anything happens to me, I want you to stick with the group, forget about me." She commanded

"What if the entire group get caught?"

"Then you run, as far and as fast as you can. Don't look back. Head back to the bar, Irvine will shelter you" I nodded and turned away up the ladder, I didn't want her to see my tears. We reached the top of the ladder and I surveyed where we were. Our calculations were perfect; we were just inside the security gate. Dante popped out of the grate first, he kept low and sprinted to the barracks wall, closely followed by Ardal. Ardal then pulled out a blaster rifle, and searched the camp plaza for soldiers. On finding nothing, he signalled myself, Sharla and the masked man over. We took caution as we jogged over to the next building past Ardal and Dante: There was no way of being sure it was clear. Sharla dropped to her knees and checked the map.

"This is it," She whispered, pointing at the building her back was against. She then nodded at Ardal and pointed. He ran over to beside us, and then performed a swat turn past the doorway. He signalled the all clear, and Dante ran in. I looked through the window into the room. It looked like a storage room, lined with cabinets. Dante was busy going through every cabinet, with the occasional groan or shake of the head. He searched about 5 before stopping at one and smiling. He pulled out a jar full of some green substance, and put it in his satchel. I then asked Sharla, who had joined me at the window, what it was.

"I'll tell you later, it's not the time" I accepted this answer and nodded. Our team then assembled around the doorway, and Ardal directed us back to the sewer grate. We ran in a line, occasionally pausing at the edge of buildings to check for soldiers, until we got to the sewer grate. The masked man then stopped and put his hand into his cloak.

" Stop in the name of the Empire!" he cried, pulling a blaster out and pointing it at us. At this cry, about ten soldiers appeared out of every hole in the complex, guns pointed at us. We did not hesitate in throwing our hands into the air, and dropping any weapons we had with us. The masked man than moved towards us, searching us for any concealed weapons.

" You scum, we trusted you" Shouted Ardal as he was searched. The man simply grinned, and carried on with the search. He carried on down the line past Dante and Sharla, and then came to me. I don't know what I was thinking, but I spat in his face. He lunged at me, knocking me down with a haymaker to the jaw. He turned to the soldiers.

"Kill the boy, and take the rest to the cells." He spat. Ardal screamed a 'Noooooo!' at the soldiers, lunging at the nearest one, shattering his armour with a punch. Dante then followed, tripping up the one next to him.

"Run!" shouted Ardal, battling off 3 soldiers that had grabbed him. Sharla grabbed my hand and dragged me to the sewer grate. She went first, closely followed by me. I had one last glance at the battle. I wish I hadn't. Dante had just been shot in the head, and Ardal stabbed in the chest just as I saw him. He took one last look at me, and then collapsed on the floor. Sharla grabbed my foot and yanked me down to the sewer bottom. We both ran, as fast as we could back to the bar.

We gained about one hundred metres before we heard blaster shots bouncing off the walls behind us. Sharla changed direction and I followed. We jumped up to a market place in one leap, startling a group of wookie children as we appeared. We set off darting around the men and women at the stalls. We quickly lost our pursuers.

Once the coast was clear, Sharla and I hid down a back alley to catch our breath. She then led me back to the bar, and straight through to the back room. Its there I gave in to my emotions, collapsed and cried at Sharla's feet.

"There, there" she soothed, patting me on the back.

" But why did they do it! Why did they sacrifice themselves to save us!" I screamed at her.

"I don't know Kanderin" was all she managed to say, before covering her own face from me. I sat and cried for a few more minutes, before what seemed to be a rebel commander and a few soldiers barged in. " Well? Did you get it?" The commander asked excitedly Sharla jumped to her feet and brushed herself down, before telling him.. "No, we lost it when the fire fight started, including Ardal and Dante." The soldier didn't take it well; he turned and thumped the wall with such force the whole building shook.

" You stupid girl! Do you realise how many men we lost creating that diversion!"

"I'm, I'm sorry! I don't know what happened, I guess we panicked. It wont happen again." The commander patted her on the shoulder, before soothing the words

" Your right, it won't". He thumped her in the chest, and she fell back to her knees. He pulled a blaster out of his belt and shot her three times in the chest. I screamed and dived at the man. He saw me coming and grabbed my shirt. I tried to kick out at him, but he threw me to the wall, knocking me unconscious. I woke up a few hours later, with my head thumping as if someone was hitting it with a sledgehammer. I thought over what had happened in the last 2 or 3 hours, and then saw Sharla's body on the floor, that look of horror on her face. I didn't cry, id done enough of that today already. Instead I wanted revenge.

The Empire was not evil; it was the rebels that were the real bad guys. Id been working on the wrong side all along. Not anymore I thought. I grabbed whatever belongings I had and rammed them into a sack. I then hoisted it up over my shoulder, and picked Sharla up onto my other shoulder. I took her outside the city walls and buried her, in the same cave she found me in. I scratched a farewell message into the wall, and then left. I walked back into the city and straight to the Storm trooper Camp wall. I rang the buzzer and was met by a soft receptionist voice. "Yes?" " I would like to enrol in the Storm trooper Corps" I Replied...

Insignia Rank Start Until Reason for Promotion
Private March 15, 2006 March 12, 2006 Joined the VE
Private First Class March 12, 2006 September 22, 2006 Graduated Basic Training
Lance Corporal September 22, 2006 July 17, 2007 "Excellent participation in Holiday Squad Competition"
Corporal July 17, 2007 September 22, 2007 "Excellent Squad Leadership in Squad Leaders absence"'
Sergeant September 22, 2007 June 21, 2008 Story effort
Senior Sergeant June 21, 2008 August 3, 2008 Squad effort
Sergeant First Class August 3,2008 Present "Double Promotion for Excellent Leadership in Corps Competition, resulting in his Squad's victory even in his Squad leader's absence"

Position Start Until Reason
Iron Horse - Trooper March 13, 2006 March 30, 2006 Promotion from Drill Squad
Wraith Squad - Trooper July 1, 2006 September 22, 2006 Closing of IH
Wraith Squad - Assistant Squad Leader September 23, 2006 October 7, 2006 Devotion to Squad
Wraith Squad - Fire Team Captain October 7, 2006 January 1, 2007 Agreed step down due to arrival of Corporal Yillis
Wraith Squad - Trooper January 1, 2007 April 6, 2007 Abolishment of Fire Team Captain Position
Wraith Squad - Assistant Squad Leader April 6, 2007 February 2009 Personal Recommendation from then Platoon Commander Rizzit
Phantom Squad Phantom Member Classified Classified
Phantom Squad Phantom Lead January 4, 2010 Present
Wraith Squad Squad Leader February 2009 November 2009 Promotion of Arnaut to Platoon Commander
Wildcard Platoon Platoon Adjutant January 2009 March 2009 Selection by Arnaut
Commander Of Training  ?  ? n/a

Ribbon Award Award Name Date Received Reason
IHrib.gif [IH] Iron Heart August 3, 2008 Performance in August Army competition
ES2rib.gif [EW:1C] Emperor's Shield Second Class
AS H.gif [AS-H] Army Service Ribbon (Half Year) Half a Year of Active Service in the STC
AS 1.gif [AS-1] Army Service Ribbon (One Year) One Year of Active Service in the STC
AS 2.gif [AS-2] Army Service Ribbon (Two Years) Two Years of Active Service in the STC
GRPrib.gif [GRP] Gold Ribbon of Pixellito August 3, 2008 Imperial Victory in the NPC Competition

Story Participation
Story Start Date End Date Type Post Count
Behind Enemy Lines March 2, 2006  ? Squad(Wraith) 3
Devaron Campaign March 29, 2006  ? Competition(Devaron Campaign) 4
Only the Quick June 8, 2006  ? Squad Wraith 13
Keep Your Head November 14, 2006  ? Squad (Wraith) 14
A Gift for Thrawn (HSC) December 12, 2006  ? Competition (HSC '06) 1
The Mask of a Pirate February 27, 2007  ? Squad (Wraith) 19
Let your Gun do the talking (Wildcard Only) May 25, 2007  ? Platoon competition 3
Aurek Mission IV June 13, 2007  ? Competition (Chapter 8.5 23
8.5 - Phase Two August 18, 2007  ? Competition (Chapter 8.5) 22
PHANTOM: Training August 26, 2007  ? Squad (Phantom Squad) 3
Through the Scope October 26, 2007  ? Squad (Wraith) 8
Yuka....Death Trap or Icy Hell? November 25, 2007  ? Squad(Wraith) 6
Loaded Bullet January 17, 2008  ? Squad (Phantom Squad) 3
(Sim Room 1) Kiss me, I'm Radioactive March 9, 2008  ? Competition 3
Graveyard Havoc (Dorn Squad) March 14, 2008  ? Competition 3
Dead Men Tell No Lies April 22, 2008  ? Squad (Wraith) 10
NPC Story #3(Wraiths vs Blackjack) July 13, 2008  ? Competition 14
Combat Is Not Good For Personal Safety August 2, 2008  ? Squad (Wraith) 3
Heavy Weapons March 17, 2006  ? Speciality 3
Combat Medic June 27, 2008  ? Speciality 1
Total: 159