TIE Fighters

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TIE Class Fighters

All TIEs share some key characteristics that define them so well that they are instantly recognizable. Most often, the cockpit is spherical and has a pylon at each side, supporting its razor-like wings. (The wings are razor like to cut through atmosphere and reduce the amount of surface that will be noticed by the enemy- the less there is to see, the harder it becomes to shoot at.) And probably the most important characteristic- the twin ion engines that give the class its name.

TIE Fighter

    *Class: Starfighter - TIE Series 
    *Corporation: Sienar Fleet Systems 
    *Hyperdrive: - 
    *Sublight: 100 MGLT 
    *Weapon(s): 2xLaser cannon 
    *Length: 6.3 m 
    *Hull (RU): 9 
    *Shields (SBD): - 
    *Crew: 1 
    *Passengers: - 
    *Cargo: 65 kg 
    *Description: Standard space combat unit for the Imperial Navy  

The TIE fighter was manufactured by Sienar Fleet Systems and cost 60,000 Imperial Credits (the standard currency of the Empire) to build, which is cheap for a fighter. The design was based on the older, Advanced Jedi starfighter and the Sith Infiltrator.

While highly maneuverable, TIE fighters had minimal or no shielding and were easily destroyed. The TIE pilots themselves, had to trust their adept flying and combat skills to compensate for these weaknesses. In the VEN, all fighters have shields standard, but they are pretty weak and can be taken down in a single bolt if hit dead on. They do not carry missile tubes in standard configurations, but these were sometimes added as necessary as well as even heavier shields. The fighters have no landing gear and are launched from specialized racks, although they are structurally capable of sitting on their wings. Life-support systems were not included, so each pilot had a fully-sealed flight suit (of superior construction to that of his Rebel counterpart).

Contrary to popular belief, the ships did possess ejection seats, as evidenced in Episode V, but the nature of space warfare resulted in pilots preferring to ride their craft to a swift end rather than eject and risk slow death by oxygen starvation.

The fighters, along with their pilots, were viewed as expendable by high ranking Imperial officers; even the pilots consider themselves expendable. Like storm troopers, TIE pilots were addressed by a number, such as DS-61-2 (the first two letters indicate the posting, the next two or three digits indicate the squadron number, and the last number indicating the pilot's ranking in the squadron). In the VEN, that doctrine has been changed to look on such actions as rather converse to their needs- we now rely more on experienced, well protected pilots more than expendable, mass numbers. TIE fighters were weak individually, although a direct hit on a starfighter or medium transport could damage or destroy it, but again- TIE craft were intended for use in large numbers. For a limited time, Admiral Zaarin had a select few TIEs retrofitted with torpedo launchers and shields due to an emergency situation. This is not common practice because you might as well get a better craft that is intended to carry such equipment- most notably the Interceptor.



    *Class: Starfighter - TIE Series 
    *Corporation: Sienar Fleet Systems 
    *Hyperdrive: - 
    *Sublight: 85 MGLT 
    *Weapon(s): 1xLaser cannon 
    *Length: 6.3 m 
    *Hull (RU): 9 
    *Shields (SBD): - 
    *Crew: 1 
    *Passengers: - 
    *Cargo: 65 kg 
    *Quick Description: Advanced starfighter control unit; coordinates squadron deployment in battle areas  

Also known as the TIE Fire-Control Fighter, it is a variant in the TIE fighter series. It carried only one laser cannon and instead carried several sensors. It was primarily designed to scan an enemy base and transmit the information back to the fleet. The ships would then attack the base and be able to evade the enemy's defenses. Because of its importance, the craft was designed to be very maneuverable.


    *Class: Starfighter - TIE Series 
    *Corporation: Sienar Fleet Systems 
    *Hyperdrive: - 
    *Sublight: 70 MGLT 
    *Weapon(s): 1xLaser cannon
    *1xConcussion missile launcher 
    *Length: 6.3 m 
    *Hull (RU): 11 
    *Shields (SBD): - 
    *Crew: 1 
    *Passengers: - 
    *Quick Description: Early bomber variant of the TIE/ln. Later replaced by the TIE/sa bomber series. 

Short for TIE Ground-Targeting Starfighter, it is a predecessor to the TIE Bomber. It was designed to be dependent on the TIE/fc Fighter, which provided precise targeting information. The fighter's payload included 6 proton torpedoes, 18 air-deployed mines, or 20,000 plastic leaflets which were used for propaganda missions.

TIE Advanced (X1)

    *Class: Starfighter - TIE Series 
    *Corporation: Sienar Fleet Systems 
    *Hyperdrive: x1 
    *Sublight: 133 MGLT 
    *Weapon(s): 4xLaser cannon
    *2xGeneral purpose missile launcher 
    *Length: 6.4 m 
    *Hull (RU): 14 
    *Shields (SBD): 40 
    *Crew: 1 
    *Passengers: - 
    *Cargo: 75 kg 
    *Quick Description: Successful yet maintenance intensive advanced starfighter. Result of many prototype trials.  

The TIE Advanced x1, developed by Admiral Zaarin, features the original spaceframe and reinforced durasteel-alloy hull, with an elongated rear deck and matching bent wings covered with radiator-panels. The vessel has an ionization reactor and paired twin-ion engines for a more powerful drive system than the standard TIE fighter. Acceleration was only slightly improved due to the added mass of the vessel; a good deal of the extra power is bled off to the shield generators. The TIE Advanced uses the hyperdrive when going to lightspeed and the Twin Ion Engines in sublight- thus really two systems.

While less maneuverable than standard TIE fighters, it can take a beating, most notably Darth Vader's personal prototype that survived blast from the Millennium Falcon. (That famous fighter was stowed aboard the Executor and vaporized when the ship collided with the second Death Star.)

The TIE Advanced x1 has twin heavy-blaster cannons in a fixed, front-mounted position. In addition to its shields, it has a modest hyperdrive but no life support system. The Empire decided not to order the TIE Advanced x1 in large quantities, citing their excessive cost. Privately, some Imperial Navy strategists admitted that the Navy was afraid to purchase a fighter with a hyperdrive, fearing that it would give bureaucrats an excuse to slash orders for new capital starships.

The Empire instead opted for the TIE Interceptor, which featured the TIE Advanced x1's drive system in a more compact ship. Although the TIE interceptor lacked a hyperdrive and shields, it was blindingly fast, incredibly maneuverable, and significantly cheaper than the TIE Advanced x1. By the Battle of Endor, the large increase in TIE interceptor production meant the end of production for the TIE Advanced x1. It is used on some rare, solo based squadron missions in tight tactical emergencies- they avoided for the most part.


TIE/ad x2 Advanced Prototype Starfighter MK.2

    *Class: Starfighter - TIE Series 
    *Corporation: Sienar Fleet Systems 
    *Hyperdrive: - 
    *Sublight: 133 MGLT 
    *Weapon(s): 2xLaser cannon
    *2xGeneral purpose missile launcher 
    *Length: 6.3 m 
    *Hull (RU): 14 
    *Shields (SBD): 20 
    *Crew: 1 
    *Passengers: - 
    *Cargo: 75 kg 
    *Quick Description: Pre-production model. Non-hyperdrive equipped. 

TIE Avenger

Not to be confused with the TIE Advanced, the TIE Avenger is based off of the craft used by Darth Vader except a little smaller and less bomber-looking. Just about everything, except for size and shape, are exactly the same between the Avenger and Advanced.

The Avenger was initially developed by Sienar Fleet Systems (SFS) as an intended replacement for the rapidly aging TIE starfighter, but the Avenger's cost did not endear it to the Empire's massive bureaucracy. When a rival SFS design team unveiled the TIE interceptor earlier before the Avenger's hyperdrive was finished, the Navy was quick to take note of the Interceptor's similar performance and greatly decreased price tag and the TIE Avenger never saw widespread deployment. While the TIE Interceptor was more numerous than the Avenger, so too was the TIE Defender more capable and versatile. (The Avenger also saw even less service than the Defender because of the destruction of Avenger factories in the Omar system.) Consequently, the TIE Avenger became the middle child of Imperial starfighter development, never achieving the notoriety of either of its closest relatives.

Function : More than anything, the idea of the Avenger, X1 and Defender was to act something like the group Rogue Squadron. This X-Wing group was totally multipurpose, and part of the reason they were so capable was their hyperdrive units, allowing them to jump from system to system, battle to battle. This allowed for a lack of capitol ships, such as ISDs or even some smaller craft, so that a few squadrons could just be launched from a plane