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Name: Jedi BlackHeart
Callsign: Rizzit
Weight:220 lbs
Hair Color:Blonde
Eye Color:Red
Reason for joining the Empire:I love the Sith, and I love StarWars. On top of that, it looked like a lot of fun.
Place of Birth:Tatooine


Ever since Jedi was a boy, he felt left out because he was not all soft-hearted and loving like the rest of them. There was a darkness in his soul. He always hated seeing a Rebel on Tatooine, because he knew they fought for good. He dreamed of joining the Empire, and killing them all, but there was an age requirement of 18. Once Jedi became an Adult, he immediately joined the Empire and has been fighting Rebels ever since. Now, a respected member of the DJO, and XO to Snake in the Raiders Squad, Jedi no longer feels left out as he once did as a boy. Instead, he feels like he belongs here, and wonders why he never joined sooner

"doot doot"