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Name: Kain Rennok
Callsign: Fire Bomber
Age: 29
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 140 lb.
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Blue
Reason for joining the Empire: Revenge for the death of his parents
Place of Birth: Cepany


Born in an upper class family on the planet of Cepany, the second planet of the Rheagent System. At around the age of 6 he became very interested in flying starcrafts. So then his parents entered him into a flight school. By the age of 7 he could fly a T-16 Skyhopper. At age 9 his mother and father were given custody of his cousin, Duran Driscoll. During the next 13 years Kain and his cousin lived happily and carefree, they became very close and became good friends. One day, thre was a rebel uprising in one of the mining centers. Kain's parents were killed by rebel terrrorists in a bombing attack. He wanted to avenge the death of his parents. He decided to join the Imperial Navy, he knew that he could use his flying skills to seek and destroy the rebel scums that plague the galaxy.

After basic training and many flight simulations Kain was placed in Kaph squadron, then afterwards he was transferred to Aegis. After a major campaign against a rebel counter-offensive campaign he was given the position squadron commander of Aegis and wing commander of Wing 1 on the Super Star Destroyer Atrus.

"doot doot"