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Name: Kiption Verastin
Callsign: Kiption
Age: 20
Height: 6' 0'
Weight: 165
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Reason for Joining the Empire: They were winning the war at the time
Place of Birth: Corellia (unfortunately)


For a person that could have done anything that he wanted to, at least that's what his mother always told him, he sure did end up doing a whole lot of nothing. Graduated in the middle of his class in a medium class at a public educational facility, and due to an unwilling to do much of anything else ended up joining the Empire after graduation. Passed around from command to command for a shear lack of leadership skills as well as a lack of motivation he ended up being transfered out to some remote installation. Along the way he was picked up by a Super Star Destroyer, (wasn't the only one manufacutred blown up at the battle of Endor?) and was brought aboard for "stealing an imperial shuttle." After about 4 months, (in imperial justice you're guilty till proven innocent, and they do make it hard to do) he was released because he was in fact using the shuttle for it's proper use (imperial use). He was placed into a training squad where he was to become accoustom to the "way the Vast Empire" did things. This training being a joke, (basically filled out a couple of forms) he quickly moved into a real squad and was thrown immediately into battle.

During this battle he met one person that actually considered him almost an equal, and the two of them went off and blew some buildings up, and had a generally good time (if you don't count the sewers, visiting rebel bars, and getting shoved into an enemy prisoner facility). Imediately following said battle he took a break and visited the planet of Tadath, where over several pitchers of strong alchol, of which he drunk little of, he managed to convince Merrick to join the Vast Empire (she did most of the drinking). That's it for now.

"doot doot"