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Name: Jace Freeman
Call sign: LoneWolf
Age: 23
Height: 6ft, 2in
Weight: 208lbs
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Reason for joining the VE: had no where else to go
Birthplace: Imperial Space Colony: 225001


LoneWolf was born on a space colony near the planet of Corellia. His family ran a small trade company but was later killed in a accident from the Rebel alliance. A small rebel force raided the small convoy with the ship carrying LoneWolf's parents, they were killed in the rebel raid. He inherited the family business, but only sold it off to collect enough money to start a mercenary group. As a late teenager he was able to purchase with his companies money a small fleet of three Carrack cruisers, and a modified gunship as the command of his small mercenary operations. He gathered enough crew, and pilots to help in his squadron, known as Phantom Squadron. not getting a good job for the first months of the operation a big operation was offered. Infiltration into a rebel strike force which had helped take down the empire at the Battle of Endor. The employers, a pirate business group, wanted the strike force to be disbanded through internal forces, and watch its failure. LoneWolf performed an initial scan of the rebels strike force but was ambushed. He and the rest of Phantom Squadron were able to drive back most of the forces but suffered major losses, a carrack and the gunship were both destroyed and nearly two flights of the squadron were shattered. Just as the Mercenary squadron was about to jump to safety the pirate employers of Phantom Squadron emerged from Hyperspace with an interdictor, and betrayed them to gain favors within the growing New Republic. LoneWolf being leader could only give the realistic order to disband the squadron in the middle of battle. He wished his men the best of luck; all but his second-in-command left him to different locations from outrunning the interdictor. Once the two pilots emerged at Nal Hutta LoneWolf broke off, and said he'd find his best friend once again. He re-entered hyperspace to goto Ord Mantal, and stopped along a space station along the way. Having it been a week past his previous battle he had become known as a wanted man for plotting against New Republic forces and was labeled as a traitor. The station he stopped at learned of his real identity, and another mercenary group engaged him outnumbering twelve to one. he was able to destroy half of the squadron but was caught off surprise when a corvette arrived from hyperspace, and opened turbolaser fire on him. He tried to escape to hyperspace but had a tracer placed on his ship. he emerged only to meet the mercenaries a few minutes later. He was about to be destroyed when he engaged a thermal nuclear self destruct system he had installed. He put a vac suit on and launched from his Gunboat in a very small and cramped decoy escape pod. once he was far enough away he destructed his surrendered ship and destroyed the crowded enemy cruiser and fighters. It was a few days until he got a ride from a passing Bulk cruiser that had gotten his distress signal. Hopping from planet to planet for a month He finally met Reil Fury at a customs station which he was visited for some personal business. He was recruited from there and arrived on the Artrus a few days later. He was placed in Aegis and has been there scince. He has been in many of the first battles of Aegis and has only missed one where he went to find his second-in-command from Phantom Squadron. He saved his friend from some drunks. Later he saw that his friend had finally been able to achieve a safe and profitable business working for a Hutt. After he returned from his short leave he was accepted into the Dark Jedi Order, and has been working to become a Dark Jedi scince. He was recently dubbed XO for Aegis and is hoping to one day become a Squadron Leader. LoneWolf has been known through time in his services as one of the best, and most formidable pilot in the Vast Empire Navy. He tries hi

"doot doot"