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Name: Patrick Orion
Call sign: PaTrIcK
Age: 16
Height: 6'3
Weight: 185
Hair Color: Sandy Blonde
Eye Color: Changes from Blue To Green
Reason for joining the Empire: To be part of something.
Place of Birth: Alderaan


I was born in the year 2539, to a royal family that was very close to Princess Leah's. Princess Leah and my sister were very close friends.

I on the other hand was an outcast. My family never talked or ate at the dinner table together that often. I found other things to amuse myself at the time. Like bugging my sister and her friends, or making homemade explosives in the backyard. All of these things as I never knew growing up would lead me to my now known existence in the Vast Empire. Maybe I was tired of being alone and wanted to be part of something so that I could prove myself, or just maybe I was drunk and didn't care and what little friends I had talked me into joining so that they could be rid of me.

In the Vast Empire, I found a home and a family in which they will never grow tired of me, or shun me as an outcast. In the Vast Empire I can be something I was never allowed to be at home. I have friends and people I can look up to. Sometimes, I miss my family but then I think about how boring my life was there. It seemed when I first joined that there was no point in my even attempting to join something so great and powerful, but then I seen that I was wanted here. So I decided to stay, so here I am now. A Lance Corporal in the thing I like doing the most. Being an explosives expert in a family I know that will take care of me.

"doot doot"