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Name: Michael Rose
Callsign: sk8guy
Age: 22
Height: 5'11
Weight: 157 lbs
Hair Color: blonde
Eye Color: blue
Reason for joining the Empire: Revenge and resuorces needed to fulfill it
Place of Birth: Corellia


I was born on Corellia.My family were wealthy business owners. I grew up in the wealthy upper class of society. I was top of my gradurating class and best pilot in the region. I participated in many competitions and at the age of 17, was named best pilot of northern hemisphere. One day, when I was 19, a business deal went bad. This rival company of our family hired mercenaries to kill my famliy. I was away touring the planet showing my piloting skills when I heard the news. Everyone was killed except for me. I was the only member of my family left. I decided to hunt down these mercenaries. I set out on my quest for vengence. I needed some information before I could find them, so I explored the whole Corellian sector and used my family's reputation to descover their names and whereabouts. I went to "meet" with them, but they were gone. I heard of the Vast Empire and decided I could use their resources and power to help me. I signed up and got attached to the VE. Now I serve it profoundly, but I still seek vengence and retribution. Hopefully I will find them, but until then, I'll protect and serve the Vast Empire and all its members.

"doot doot"