ARC Team Lambda

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Squad Roster[edit]

Role Member Rank Specialty


Personal arms selection is encouraged within ARC Lambda. As for armor, when necessary, the squad will be outfited with Kerberos Personal Armor Kit. Additional gear will be added as missions require.

Kerberos Armor System[edit]

The Kerberos armor system, with its distinctive red spectacles (ARC Squad's signature psychological terror weapon), is an update on an older design that once belonged to an elite government military unit in charge of defending a Capital district. Similar to the Coruscant Guards in purpose, this unit was brought in to take out terrorist and rebellious elements challenging the ruling power. (and yes, the red spectacles do have an off setting.)

The armor is lightweight, modular, and capable of deflecting blaster bolts better than standard Stormtrooper armor. This is due to an improvement of the original Impervium composite used by Clone troopers on down.

Mobility has been deemed more important than coverage, thus the armor kit is not a full-body enclosing design. Instead, a micropore utility coverall will be worn. It is a self-sealing garment and provides some protection against chemical and biological weapons, and emergency protection against vacuum


Mission Logs[edit]

None as of Yet