Al Mac-dur

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Al Mac-dur
Military Information


Biographical Information








Personal Information
"What?" said Ron. "Your skinnier than a rail. You'll never eat more than me."
"That's what me fat uncle said, but 'e died in thah effort of defending his 'onor, the title which me good self now 'olds."
Al Mac-dur

Current Status[edit]

  • Trooper in the VE Army
  • Companion of Ron-Goron

(Introduced by Ron-Goron in Catch-22)

Notable Skills[edit]

-Well practiced thief
-Excellent lock-picker
-Knowledge of the drug market
-Capable drug-dealer
-Iron liver
-Very well practiced at the many forms of "doing drugs".


Al Mac-dur in his stormtrooper armor.


Mac-dur isn't your smartest individual. He is cheap, greedy, and very talented with lock-picks. He looks, acts, and literally resembles the most stoned person you have ever seen. Mix that in with his nonchalant character who does whatever he wants... and yeah... thats Mac-dur.
Al Mac-dur, running away from the "drug-busters".


Al Mac-dur was born on Coruscant (supposedly to a twi'lek mother and half-mandalorian father, but that story is longer and irrelevant and immaterial) His parents (whoever they were) obviously never cared for him at all, and left him to die on the streets. So he grew up as a member of several gangs and underground societies where he learned how to do and deal drugs. Unfortunately (or perhaps fortunately) for him he was caught in the act, and was sent into the service, labeled as a "delinquent" as was his friend, Ron-Goron... whom he met in the army and became quick friends with.

Due to the fact that he is a complete screw off (and an NPC) Al Mac-dur does not advance in rank, nor does he care to.

Service History[edit]

In the service until his time is up, then back to the drugs.