Combat Engineer

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Description: Combat Engineers are basically demolitionists. They concern themselves with explosives deployment and use; along with shelter creation, welding, electronics, and other various skills. This does not limit them from firing a blaster like the best of them, but Combat Engineers focus solely on things that don't involve a blaster rifle/pistol. This is a very basic specialty choice for most troopers, but it provides those that do take it with a background in explosives and barricades: something none of the other choices will.

Equipment: Heavy blaster pistol, 3 fragmentation grenades, 3 explosive charges; large backpack containing demolitions gear, light hand tools, wiring and sensor kits.

Possible Career Advancements: Upon completion of this course, Combat Engineers can choose to go on to be a Heavy Weapons Specialist, Sharpshooter, or Scout. There is also the option of doing another Basic Specialty, but it would be a totally different field. (That would be considered more of a field change, than an advancement.)

Story Listing (In Order)[edit]

The following list is the order in which the stories should be completed. Please do not skip around, as they will not count if you do. If you need help on a story, click it's title or see your Specialty Coordinator for more information.

Level 0: Rookie
Upon induction to the Engineers you will go through rudimentary training to cover the basic aspects of the trade. The use of the tools of the trade including basic explosives will be covered.

Level 1: Electrical Systems
Trooper will learn the basic skills required for all manipulation and repair of electrical systems

Skills Earned:
-Repair and maintain electrical systems on equipment that is required

Story 1: Basic Electronics/Wiring
Story 2: Electrical Systems

Level 2: Fortifications and Defense
Learn the basics of assisting the army in defense. Trained to use explosive charges to create obstacles, crater roads and destroy bridges and to build hasty defenses.

Skills Earned:
-Create hasty barricades and blast shelters
-Use explosives to create obstacles
-Create more sturdy barricades made of metal (requires level 4)
-Earthwork defenses (requires level 5)

Story 1: Field Fortifications
Story 2: Explosives Deployment

Level 3: Construction
Troopers will use their skills to overcome all physical obstacles, natural and man made. Mobility tasks include bridging, route opening and crossing rivers.

Skills Earned:
-Construction of bridges and crossings
-Repairing defenses

Story 1: Bridging and Rigging
Story 2: Construction Skills

Level 4: Material Manipulation
You will learn how to use all the materials around you as efficiently as possible. This will improve your construction/fortification skills.

Skills Earned:
-Weld metals
-Shape most materials

Story 1: Materials Science
Story 2: Metal Fabrication

Level 5: Advanced Explosives Use
You will now learn more advance use of explosives other than in defense. You will now be trained to use explosives to slow enemy forces.

Skills Earned:
-Lay mines
-Clear minefields
-Use explosives to sabotage enemy defences
-Create advanced explosives from basic materials (requires level 7)

Story 1: Sabotage and Demolitions
Story 2: Mine/Countermine

Level 6: Terrian Management
You will now be trained to assist the army in planning appropriate routes for troop movements and in placement of defenses.

Skills Earned:
-Advise on battle plans based on terrain information

Story 1: Navigation
Story 2: Battlefield Recon

Level 7: Combat Engineer Qualification
You will now be given some extra skills to round out your training. Namely the modification of standard power packs to power blasters, the use of basic materials to create bullets/shells and the ability to analyze and prioritise enemy targets to advise ordinance.

Skills Earned:
-Modify power packs for use as ammunition
-Analyze enemy targets

Story 1: Improvised Munitions
Story 2: Target Analysis

To choose Combat Engineer as a specialty, and download the roster for it, please click here