Interdictor Cruiser Command

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Vast Imperial Navy Certificate
Interdictor Cruiser Command
Pre-requisite Skills
Environmental Skill
Skills & Talents Learned
Interdictor Cruiser Skill

NOTE: This page is still in development; the requirements listed are incomplete.


A Vast Empire Interdictor Star Destroyer.


The Mission: Interdictor Command - "Intensify Foward Batteries!"[edit]

You will be required to show satisfactory knowledge of commanding an Interdictor Cruiser. This story is to include how to properly activate the gravity wells, as well as strategic positions to disable enemy retreat to along with effective blockade of a planet.

Links and Resources[edit]

Here is a list of useful, external links for use in tactical training.

  • NOTE : This information is for fictional purposes only. The Vast Empire takes no credit in any of the information shown in the external links.