Jex Barris

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Jex Barris
Military Information











46th Wing




Third Fleet



Physical Description


Skin color:






Hair Color:


Hair Style:

Brushed Back

Facial Hair:

Clean shaven, sideburns line up with the bottom of the ear.


Dark Blue





Biographical Information







Basic, understands Sullustan


Starfighter Pilot


Target shooting, finding fun places to fly.






Father, dead.

Naval Certifications
First Certification

not yet acheived

Cert 1.1:

not yet achieved

Cert 1.2:

not yet achieved

Cert 1.3:

not yet achieved

Second Certification


Third Certification


Fourth Certification


Ship Captaincy Certification
Ancillary Skills

active crewman


Tall and thin, Jex is a generally handsome young man barring a thin, although deep scar running from his lower left lip and dropping off the center of his chin. His dark blue eyes can be seen as black from a distance, and his pale skin seems to accentuate this feature to a somewhat piercing effect. His smile is warm, however, and if you are not his enemy, his presence is not intimidating. When not in a flight suit, he can usually be found in smuggler's attire: loose-fitting vests and shirts, leather boots and slacks.


Jex is a good listener and learner, known for his adaptability and quick thinking. Overconfidence has never been a problem, although he's always had a streak of sarcasm and a quick temper. When not piloting a ship, he's known to be generally relaxed, quick to make a joke or laugh along. In the cockpit, he's somewhat vocal as well, often being told by his father to cut comm chatter.


Jex's father, Solf Barris, was a smuggler, and one of the best. He would always tell his son "I'll never be Talon Karrde, and I don't want to. A percentage of that pay goes directly to the price on your head". Jex considered that quote for the millionth time, headed in his old SoroSuub Preybird to apply for military training.

The old man was right. No one ever tried to kill him, and no one ever came to put him in the spice mines at Kessel. They had a peaceful thing going, Solf would bring the loads into the core, and Jex and the crew would disperse them in-system. It was near foolproof until the Emperor's death.

When the New Republic came to power, it didn't bother Solf or Jex. They had done their best to stay out of politics for as long as Jex could remember, And with the Smuggler's Alliance in place, they were hassled even less than was normal. All was well, until Sluis Van.

For the rest of his life, Jex remembered that day. The warmth of the Chandrilan sun coming through the window, the taste of Correlian brandy on his lips, and the instant pit of ice in his stomach as the emergency comm line began blaring through their home. He ran to the wall, and activated the comm, his father appearing instantly in static-laced blue.

"Jex!" He shouted, "We have a problem!"

Jex was confused. His father was on a simple supply run, visiting an old friend at the Sluis Van shipyards, getting some modifications added to his personal corvette. "Father, what's wrong?"

Solf's face was a mask of fear and anger. It was an expression Jex had never seen his father wear. The comm dropped into a burst of static as he tried to explain himself. Jex asked him to repeat, and when the signal came back, Jex heard a word that he'd never heard before.


"Say again, father, I don't know what--"

"Thrawn, dammit! He's an Imperial Grand Admiral, and he's moving on Sluis Van!"

Jex fell silent in shock. A Grand Admiral? But they were supposed to be dead!

"Jex, he's sacking the shipyards! I've sent notice to the Imperial ships letting them know I'm a neutral party, but they're still firing!"

"You need to get out of there! I can set up an escort just outside of the Sluis system, but I'm not sure--"

Solf held up a hand to silence his son. When Jex looked at his father he saw the anger was still there, but the fear was gone. He was no longer yelling, and had slowed his breathing. "Son, let's face it. I'm not making it out of this one." They've got all hyperspace routes out blockaded, and even if they were open--" A blast rocked Solf's ship, Jex saw him fall out of the comm's view and return, holding himself up on the control panel. "Even if they were open, the turbos would pick us off like insects."

"Father, I--"

"Silence. I've made up my mind." Solf lifted himself up to standing, Jex watched his hand shake as he let go of the panel. "I'm going to die here, but I'll be damned if I'll make it easy for them." He took a second to consider. "Jex. The business is yours. But there's only so much a smuggler can do in a war-torn state."

Jex saw smoke begin to appear around his father's image, and he knew he didn't have long. The alarms in the background increased in pitch and frequency. "What should I do?"

Solf smiled, and in that moment Jex saw his father as he would always remember him. Tough, caring, and determined. "Speak with Theros, he's a human recruiter for a splinter faction of the Empire. They are strong-willed, and you can learn a lot from them. From there, your life belongs to you. Stay for the long haul, or retire and take over where we left off. The choice is yours. But whatever you do, do it right. Make them remember our name."

Jex finally felt the gravity of the situation, and the sob that finally left him was harsh, a terrible sound.

Solf gave him that prize-winning smile for the last time. "My son." Jex looked up at the hologram, and wiped the tears from his eyes so he could see his father clearly. Solf closed his eyes. "Goodb--" The comm hologram disappeared. As did Solf.

Jex mourned for a month, then began his exit from the smuggling world. He passed contracts and materials to other ships his father had trusted, and spent a year and all his family's credits dismantling their ships, transferring their property to friends, and erasing the wealth that they had acquired. He wanted the Barris name to lay dormant, in waiting. And when the right moment came, whether through military or financial conquest, he would rise, strike, and plant his family's name into the annals of time.

Service History[edit]


Insignia Rank Start Until Reason for Promotion
Crewman 5/11/12 Date of first promotion Joined the VE Navy