Stouker Concussion Rifle

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WEAPON (PROJECTILE/ENERGY) 3 IC's/month maintenance Made Available on: December 11, 2008 Manufacture Time: 1 days Total Manufactured: 30

Category: Energy Weapon - Military Corporation: Stouker Armaments Description: The Stouker rifle is a weapon that fires a concussive blast at a range of up to thirty meters, creating an explosion about four meters in diameter, with enough force to send an average human flying a short distance. It also possesses a secondary firing mode, the blast from which was less devastating in terms of radius, but had a greater impact on the target, as well as a rather noticeable recoil - sufficient to push an ordinary humanoid two or three steps backward with each shot.

The weapon's inability to be blocked by a lightsaber, and the splash damage from the primary firing mode, make this one of the more effective weapons against Jedi, although a skilled Jedi could redirect a concussive blast in the general direction of its origin with a well-timed Force Push. Magazine: 400 magazine capacity (heavy shot and explosive shot) Range: 30 m