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Matthias L. Battlemont
Military Information



First Sergeant
Pirate Lord




The Osk Company

Biographical Information










Hair Color

Long and brown, usually tied back with a piece of cloth.

Facial Hair

clean shaven or slightly scruffy looking

Eye Color

Blue, Green, Grey depending who was asked.

Personal Information


At times you can be a bit of a loose cannon. . .

—Rizzit Blackheart


the piratical First Sergeant thrived on chaos and had a bizarre talent for both causing and escaping from incredibly dangerous situations.

—Dante Asana

He doesn't speak of future plans often, or when he does they're so vague or ridiculous that people tend to shrug them off. He enjoys telling wild tales about things he's done and places he's been in the past, but the real specifics of his life before the empire or when he's not on duty always remain vague. This isn't helped any by the way his stories will frequently contradict each other or simply defy all logic.

In battle however Snipes seems to change. His true self pokes it's head out and he becomes ruthless and single minded. He's well known for killing anything that could get in his way. He usually seems mirthful, though, and excited. It's the one place he loses his cool and becomes completely engrossed in the ending of lives, sometimes to the point where he'll get tunnel vision and forget about objectives and obligations, distracted with the rapture of battle.

Snipes walks the line between sanity and lunacy constantly. He doesn't find this a burden and strides confidently between the two. He makes no especial care to stay on the line, it is not a tight rope, or knifes edge, more a line painted on the pavement, and he's not afraid to stumble to one side or another as the mood strikes him. It's not a completely conscious thing, but it can be seen by others. He'll gravitate from raving lunacy to coherency, often several times in the same night, on average however he remains roughly in the middle.

Snipes is powered by his own inhuman and unknowable logic; he makes no secret of his well known bloodlust and a the same times seems to be able to either handle rather complex machinations effortlessly and without thought, or he has an incredible ability to adapt to the current situation and make it work to his advantage. Eitherway, the workings of Snipes mind remain a complete mystery even to the people that have known him for years; although they do get some manner of understanding about what he's likely do next, but it can remain difficult to predict his exact actions.

Fighting Style/Physical Prowess[edit]

Snipes is a large human, stronger than most, in part because of his large frame, in part because fighting is something he enjoys, so much time is spent getting better at it, not with true training, but through experience, as he hates actual structured learning. Instead he will spar with various beings, no matter the size or species, Snipes never believes a fight is over until he has won, even if the fight must be delayed, to him it is not over, and he will not look for a way to delay it, to him that would be as good as losing.


Snipes prefers to use his lightly modified 8 gauge shotgun, it's a short weapon, roughly the size of some larger blasters, it borderlines carbine length. However he also has a set of modified DL-44's that he uses. Either way he prefers closer range fights when he can used his greater strength and smaller weapons to greater effect. Notable for his propensity for using a style that could be called 'Gun-Fu', the very fact that he is willing to try some of the stunts he does, let alone pull them off, is often cited as proof that he is truly mad. Because of this risky manner in which he fights he frequently returns with more injuries than can easily be counted.

He prefers the use of pistols and carbines over longer weapons, but that doesn't stop him from occasionally using a large caliber anti-tank rifle and various high caliber automatics. He prefers slugthrowers over blasters, admittedly it's mostly for the blood..


Snipes fights with a very unique technique that combines experience in brawling with the soundless blows of K'tara taught to him in Spec Ops training and various other tidbits collected or discovered in his journeys. He fights wildly and erratically, and is therefor almost impossible to predict. His style is referred to by many as a chaos style, a catchall phrase used to describe self taught fighters that use improvisation and unpredictability in their combat. Because this is a catch all phrase and not a principled art the exact manner and techniques used vary greatly from individual to individual and can rarely be taught to another. Instead the combatant works mostly on instinct and devices that come natural, unable to really describe what they do or why they do it. Snipes specifically favors wild array of quickly varying blows, blocks and evasions that flow together. There are no practiced combination hits to his style, he must string together random blows as he sees fit. This is in truth a very refined version of street fighting that has been created through countless fights, both friendly and otherwise. Snipes uses all parts of his body to contact the enemy, his head, hands, elbows, knees and feet. Because he is quick and unpredictable he is a dangerous opponent, but his style is undisciplined and wastes much energy, so he tires out quicker than most. He frequently uses his pistols in close combat, both to block and fire off shots when the barrel points the right direction.

Snipes disdains the use of melee weapons, considering them primitive and barbaric. He considers a knife a useful tool however and almost always carries one, and at times he's forced to admit it can be a handy weapon for specialized circumstances. He still refuses to see the legitimacy of using a sword, axe or any other number of melee weapons.

Physical Features[edit]

Full Name: Matthias L. Battlemont.
Alias': Snipes, Sniping101, Dionysus, Bard, Bill, Phax, Sepins, And likely more.
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Blue, Green or Grey. Depends who is asked.
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 204lbs
Identifying marks: A few small scars, long hair, propensity for wearing a sash
Reasons for Joining the Empire: Uknown and often speculated at.
Misc.: He's Snipes, getting older and surlier.


In full battle dress Snipes covers himself in the stormcommando armor from his time in RAIDERS. He's painted it it with thick red tiger stripes that seem to simulate blood splatters, as well as a stormtrooper helmet and crossbones across his heart, on the right side of the helmet in the same splattered paint are the words 'Is all that we see or seem but a dream within a dream'. On his right thigh is his trusty 8 gauge shotgun in it's leather holster, a sash over the belt. In his right boot is a long triangular knife and hanging from his shoulder or in his hand is a STA-52 Light Assault Rifle he refers to as an "StA Hybrid", it evolved from him recognizing the stength of the modular platform and using the top half, barrel and scope from an StA S/LAR and the bottom end, magazines and stock of a StA-52 LAR.

Snipes usually wears a pair of well worn boots with a a pair of corellian pants, usually black or blue, For a shirt he wears something big that billows and is often white, red or black and of a high grade material. He wears a red sash around his waist most of the time, under which his gun belt is ran and holstered to his right leg is the shotgun he prefers to use. Often he shoves a fairly worn cutlass between the sash and gun belt on his left side. No one is entirely sure where he got it, or why he carries such an archaic weapon. Over the rest he wears either his brown wool long coat or his black, worn and torn swoopers jacket. Usually these jackets have a flask of whiskey and a supply of high priced cigarras floating around in them somewhere.


The Past[edit]

It's generally accepted that Sniping101 is not truly Matthias L. Battlemont, but it is the name he uses. Matthias L. Battlemont grew up as the son of a wealthy vinyard owner and clone wars veteran. Matthias went to almost every school in the surrounding area at some point or another, each of which he was kicked out of eventually. It's known that somehow he became a member of the Corellian Defense Fleet, serving on several different ships as an engineer. He was equally as wild in this role, however after being assigned to a DP-20 gunship he was taken under the wing of it's captain, a man known as Unheil. When Unheil was reassigned to an expirimental CR-90 Matthias L. Battlemont, aswell as several other crew members were transferred with him. Matthias L. Battlemont is said to have died, along with most of the ships crew, during a training accident on board this ship when the expirimental engines malfunctioned and essentially tore the ship apart. There were only a handful of survivors, none of them were Matthias L. Battlemont or Unheil.

Some also believe that Sniping101 having been the pirate referred to as 'Sam Vane'. This pirate was of no small success, his wealth and his organization grew and grew. It is said that the more wealth acquired, the more prizes taken, the more people flocking to him the moodier and more jaded he became. Over the course of several years he was said to have outbursts of rage more and more often, and while at first he had been relatively benevolent to those he assaulted as the years passed Sam Vane began to take even them as part of his cargo, selling them as slaves or simply killing them, depending on how the mood struck him. A ruthlessness took him near the end as he became more brazen and less subtle. He'd attack convoys, assault stations and even attack military vessels. He no longer focused his rage on simply the merchant and freighter ships anymore, he attacked and destroyed everything that crossed his path.

In the end this became his undoing. Several large corporations had bounties on his head, as well as more than a few criminal syndicates. A coalition of mercenaries and other pirates finally banded together long enough to push Vane back. They didn't stop there, though, they continued to assault and destroy his bases and vessels until finally they forced him itno a corner. Outside of the Ord Mantel system they caught up with him, with the help of a stolen interdictor they were able to keep him from jumping out of the system. Fourteen Mercenary vessels faced off against Vanes CR-90 The Broken Wing and the three last ships of his fleet. The battle lasted far longer than many, at twelve hours the mercenaries were down to just eights ships, whiles vane still had three counting his own. This is attributed to the experience of the crews and the modifications they were able to do with the wealth acquired. In the end, however, the two remaining vessels on Vanes side gave up, content to simply run as fast as they could while the mercenaries were concentrating on The Broken Wing, finally boarding the ship and taking the body assumed to be Sam Vanes back with them. Their payout after all interested parties had been contacted was said to be high in the millions. This also lead to the dissolution of the coalition, as each of the formerly independent groups fought over the money, none of them believing their share was enough.

The primary problem with this theory however is that Sam Vane's dead body was recovered by the mercenaries. Some hold out the belief that the mercenaries actually had no idea what Sam Vane looked like, so they chose the body that looked most like a captian. The body, combined with the destroyed ship and the nav-computers to back up the information would usually be enough to receive payment for such a job. One would think however that a job of such high monetary value would be evaluated more thoroughly. That combined with the fact that no 'Sam Vane' was ever heard from again make this story highly improbable.

The Military[edit]

In the academy he excelled, although he was frequently in one sort of trouble or another he was still asked into the Stormtrooper Corps. He accepted merrily and became Sniping101 (AKA Snipes), he moved out of drill squad quickly. Then he was accepted into RAIDERS squad, who’s Squad Leader at the time was Rizzit. There Snipes met many of his future friends and built himself a reputation as a capable soldier. However it wasn’t until he was moved out of this squad after some leadership changes that he picked up momentum.

He was moved into Wraith squad, special operations. Here he met Kuroishi, from whom he learned some bits of psychological warfare and even more importantly the art of pranking. However the squad quickly began dissolving after they were permitted to commence privateer work by the Prefect Fury. Then after Kuroishi was taken out of action in the Devaron campaign Snipes assumed leadership until his drinking partner and good friend Slick was given command.

Snipes eventually moved to RAIDERS to take up Squad Leader duties. Snipes managed the lead the squad through several harrowing missions. He lost many troopers during that time, and possibly in part due to his apathy on the matter, much of the squad never warmed up to him. He did display an ability to plan and execute effective generally unusual plans against the enemy. He also oversaw their transformation from a Multi-Enviroment squad, a specialty he had never liked, to the Unconventional Warfare Squad. Around the time of the change, the Prefect of the time, former Field Marshall Fury, stepped down and Snipes was offered to take the Executive Officers Assistant position by the new XO, his old squad leader[[Rizzit|Rizzit's]. Snipes accepted it, and found himself able to fulfill both his roles as well as he believed anyone else could. However after the Anteevay catastrophe he felt it was time for him to step down as a Squad Leader. He had lacked talent for it, and he knew it. He also hadn't enjoyed it, it didn't fit with his carefree and consistently apathetic lifestyle.

When Snipes resigned his role as squad leader he was immediately thrown into an investigation on the possibilities of traitors within the Vast Empire relating to the Anteevay catastrophe and the subsequent assault on Tadath. To do this he joined up with Jester Squad and his old friend Angel for the express purpose of following their mission.

Afterwards Snipes was removed from his temporary station in Jester squad. Then began to jump around the galaxy at random, sometimes as an Imperial Center Store Agent, sometimes apparently working on his own inhuman and unknowable logic. In this time he began to amass a small fortune in stolen goods and ICS pay.

Snipes no longer in involved in the Stormtrooper Corps, becoming bored with the miriad of regulations and rules that such a life asked him to follow. He disappeared for a time, resurfacing as the Lord of the pirate faction The Osk Company, self proclaimed King of all Pirates and the governor of the world he has dubbed "Eyesore".

The Osk Company[edit]

Men like Snipes, men with a charismatic flare that matched their propensity for violence, were usually the only ones fit to lead such people.

—Jager Luth

After Snipes first job working for the Imperial Center Store his group, at that time consisting of him and the crew of the Corellian Hound, were given the planet Eyesore under the condition they be able to provide for it's protection. Snipes knew that he couldn't do that with just one corvette and so he sent word out through the underworld that he needed ships and captains.

The turn out was much more amazing than he expected, with hundreds of beings showing up from all corners of the underworld. He was even joined by his old army friends Kami Sharpe and Tanus 'T-Anus' Solvona. The Osk Company, as it came to be known, suffered some initial problems concerning the number of ships versus the number of personnel. However a space station raid was assembled with the hopes of acquiring more ships and solving the problem.

Snipes, while King, possesses his own free spirit, a spirit that leads him to wander and, on occasion, vanish completely from Osk. This propensity for wanderlust left The Company open on more than one occasion, culminating in a religious sects conquest of the world. Snipes returned in time to root them out of his home, but was kidnapped during the celebrations, in some part due to the loss of his friend and bodyguard, Gregory Kelevra.

Possessions of Note[edit]

Queen Tetras Revenge
Corellian Hound

8 Gauge Short Barrelled Shotgun 'Thunder God'.
30mm Anti-Armor Sniper Rifle 'Black Betty'.