VEN Example Skill Page - Astrogation

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Vast Imperial Starfighter Skill
Tier 2 "Qualification"
Starfighter Astrogation Qualify with starfighter navicomputers.
Tier 3 "Certification"
Requirement for being issued any hyperdrive-equipped Starfighter.

The Corellian Run, one of the most-used hyperspace lanes in the galaxy.

The Skill[edit]

Without the discovery of hyperspace, civilizations would be limited to the planetary system in which they originated, with only the most determined exploring the nearest star systems. Thanks to the discovery of hyperspace and the subsequent invention of the hyperdrive, space-faring civilization has reached every corner of the known galaxy. Furthermore, it has made war on a galactic scale possible - without it, by the time a fleet reached an enemy planet, that civilisation would likely have already risen, fallen, and been replaced by another.

It was only recently, in the later stages of the Clone Wars, that hyperdrives small enough to be fitted into Starfighters were finally produced, and were immediately used by the fledgling Rebellion to devastating effect. Only recently has the Galactic Empire caught on to the values of hyperspace-capable snubfighters, and without the help of astromech droids, pilots require special training to be able to effectively make the jump in their long-range craft.

Statistically speaking, the universe is empty. But at faster-than-light speeds, it fills up very quickly.

—Admiral Pers Praedeux

Qualification Mission: "Prepare to make the jump to hyperspace."[edit]

In this mission, you will demonstrate that you are able to effectively program a hyperdrive navicomputer and make the jump to hyperspace from one planet to another. You will start in a TIE Avenger, and you will be given navigational data from a nearby Strike Medium Cruiser, data that when programmed into the navicomp, will allow you to make the jump from Abrae to Coveway. You will download the co-ordinates from the Cruiser, program them into your navicomp and make the jump into hyperspace. This is not a particularly trying mission, but do not rush - one wrong number could kill you.

ID Tag Earned: {AsT}

Skill Equipment:[edit]

Past lightspeed, stars become lines and everything turns blue. Pretty.

As installing a hyperdrive into a spacecraft is a very difficult business, most of the Vast Empire's standard-issue starfighters cannot accommodate a Hyperdrive: the space required is already taken up by shields and munitions upgrades. As a result, there is no special equipment that you will be issued after undertaking this skill: The reward you will receive is less immediate, though promises to be far more powerful than anything you have yet been granted.

This skill is a pre-requisite for some of the most advanced starfighters ever made, and only once you have studied and proven capability in this skill will you be able to use the elite TIE Avenger, the feared TIE Hunter, or the ridiculously armed Imperial Missile Boat. As a result, Astrogation is required to join an elite Squadron that possesses these craft.

Naval Certifications[edit]

This is a final pre-requisite for your first Naval Certification (Tier 3).

Links and Resources[edit]

A list of links to resources and suggested reading that will aid you in learning how to properly role-play using this skill.

PM Hades or Dunny if you have found a link you think should be added here.

  • Note : The Vast Empire claims no credit for external sites and resources; all information provided is for fictional use only.