The Vast Empire is an unofficial online gaming organization based on the Imperial side of the Star Wars Universe�, created by George Lucas, that has been around since 1998.
We are a collection of individuals who play all of the Star Wars computer games made by the LucasArts Entertainment Company as well as a select few that make the cut.
We do a large amount of online role playing simulations, multiplayer gaming, webpage creation, ICQ/IRC chatting, and Star Wars fiction writing.
If you own Dark Forces, Jedi Knight, StarCraft, Rainbow Six, Rogue Spear, Mysteries of the Sith, Episode 1: Obi-Wan, Force Commander,
TIE Fighter, Xwing v.s. TIE Fighter, Xwing Alliance or Episode 1: Starfighter, Galactic Battlegrounds, and Galaxies, you are welcome to join us (as long as you abide by the
Code of Conduct which regulates how our club members are expected to conduct themselves in order to product a fun atmosphere for all members). If you decide to
enlist in the ranks of the Vast Empire, you will start at as a mere Imperial stormtrooper, pilot, technician or an initiate of the Dark Side (pending on which division you join).
The amount of activity you put into the club determines how quickly you will rise upwards through the ranks; gaining authority over other club members and eventually
even High Command status if that is what you so desire.
The Star Wars simulation time of our club is currently set prior to the Thrawn Era. All Star Wars fiction written by members pertaining
to the club takes place at this exact period in Star Wars history.
The current High Council commanders of the Vast Empire are
Kadann and
Along with several Division Commanders, the latter individuals constitute the Vast Empire High Council which make all decisions concerning the organization.