Adoration Of Silence

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Systems(s) Involved: Vectra
Squadron(s) Involved: Aegis Squadron
Timeline (Actual): 08/15/06 to 09/18/06
Timeline (In Story): TBD
Mission Type: Engage and Destroy/Capture
Outcome: Close Victory
Link to Story: Click Here


An Imperial task force commanded by Captain Mikael Skysterov was ambushed and badly defeated. During the battle, numerous ships were lost and many prisoners taken. The battle occurred in a Vast Empire trading lane between Vextra and Lotaith where New Republic forces and a large force of mercenaries hired by the New Republic, intercept and destroy trade shipments and unsuspecting imperial warships. The name of the New Republic force is "CounterForce" and Captain Skysterov, bolstered by a reinforced though still greatly out gunned imperial force, ordered that the entire New Republic force be destroyed as vengeance for the severe losses it had inflicted. While Skysterov maintained that his force was stronger than Republic and mercenary elements, the overview clearly demonstrated that this was not the case and that very heavy casualties, particularly pilot casualties, were likely. Imperial intelligence had managed to track all of the forces involved in the initial attack and had also discovered additional forces, including unidentified warships in the area, which may or may not be hostile.

Mission Objectives[edit]

  • Destroy all enemy forces
  • Re-capture all captured Imperial ships
  • Prevent enemy Corvettes from self-destructing beside Imperial ships

Personnel Involved[edit]

Imperial Star Destroyer Debilitator[edit]

Aegis Squadron: 8 TIE Interceptors, 1 TIE Interceptor Hornet
Squadron Commander: Jaden
Executive Officer: Hunter
Flight Members: blah909, Raigen, Zurth Scrace, Shiric, DJ234, Templar

Wolfe Squadron: 12 TIE Scimitar Bombers

Dreadnaught Vanity[edit]

Alpha Squadron: 12 TIE Fighters

Delta Squadron: 8 TIE Fighters (Reserve Squadron)

Assault Frigate Existence[edit]

Beta Squadron: 12 TIE Bombers

Nebulon-B Frigate Aneurysm[edit]

Beta Squadron: 12 TIE Fighters

Gamma Squadron: 12 TIE Fighters (Reserve Squadron)

Carrack Light Cruiser Deimos[edit]

Carrack Light Cruiser Plateau[edit]

Opposing Forces[edit]

Interdictor Cruiser Sunbeam
Lt. Mon Calamari Star Cruiser Galt
4 Corellian Corvettes: Esau, Balsa, Sonic, Vatrex
Nebulon-B Frigate Portray
Lancer Frigate Diabolical Array (captured Imperial ship)
Carrack Light Cruiser Blitzkrieg (captured Imperial ship)
Dreadnaught Enforcer (captured Imperial ship)
24 Razor Fighters
36 A-Wings
48 X-Wings


Close Victory

There was a period of time between the initial provision of information to the pilots and the final briefing just before the task force arrived. During this time, some members of Aegis Squadron including Templar and Raigen engaged in a simulator exercise while Shiric sat it out. Hunter accidentally stumbled across army news of a Kairo becoming Storm Platoon leader in the army. The news causes him to begin to seek information in order to find Kairo as he has some relation to Hunter's past.

After the final mission briefing was given five minutes before arrival, Aegis Squadron scrambled to their fighters and launched on command. Jaden struck the first blow by destroying an approaching Razor fighter with missiles on the first pass while severely damaging another's shields in the turning war that ensued as the charging units broke off to avoid colliding. Raigen destroyed a second fighter after out manoeuvring it and firing missiles. Aegis Squadron quickly finished off the rest of the Razor fighters successfully with the exception of Blah909 who, on his first mission, found himself completely out of formation after a rookie mistake.

Zurth Scrace struck first against the A-Wings as he charged straight at an onrushing fighter in what was described as a game of chicken. The A-Wing pulled up first and was struck first by Zurth's firepower and then the TIE's shield, detonating shortly after it passed. Raigen and Blah909 engaged in a series of complex split-S manouevers to bring them into position, two against one, against one of a pair of A-Wings engaging them. Blah909 destroyed the first A-Wing before they moved to attack the second with Raigen scoring the second kill. Raigen destroyed another oncoming Razor with missiles before launching an attack run at one of the Corvettes. The run left him heavily damaged and his fighter was sent spinning out of control after being struck by an enemy missile.

Jaden and Blah909 united together to destroyed a pair of A-Wings. Each scored independent kills before they and Aegis Squadron were ordered to begin a full attack run on the Corvette Esau which had begun a suicide charge at the Dreadnaught Vanity with the goal of destroying the damaged Corvette and the Dreadnaught. Before the squadron could get into attack position, all three Corvettes, each carrying large amounts of explosive materials, detonated destroying the Vanity and two squadrons of Imperial fighters (one of TIE Fighters and one of TIE Bombers). Immediately after the explosion, a fourth Corvette jumped into battle just behind the damaged Assault Frigate Existance, with its fighter squadron already deployed. Aegis Squadron was ordered to prevent another suicide run by a Corvette.

During the attack run, Raigen destroyed an A-Wing beginning a missile run on Zurth Scrace while Scrace took out an oncoming Razor fighter that was about to destroy Raigen. Scrace destroyed two more Razors with cannon fire and a final one with missiles as Aegis approached the new Corvette. Aegis Squadron was ordered to target the Dorsal Stabilizer Fin on the Corvette which would cause a power spike and force the captain to shut down the reactor. This would prevent the Corvette from closing in on the Existance. Scrace, in a near suicide charge, unleashed all of his fire power at the fin and launched his final missile only to have it destroyed inadvertently by a passing Razor fighter. The fighter was destroyed. As Scrace pulled off, Raigen destroyed another A-Wing on Scrace's tail thus saving him again. Scrace deliberately destroyed one of his wingmate's missiles in order to finish off a fighter he had initially damaged, causing frustration in the squadron. He returned to the Debilitator for repairs and relaunched later into the battle.

Aegis Squadron escorted Wolfe Squadron in on a bombing run with Delta Squadron covering the rear against inbound X-Wings. The run severely damaged the Dolsal Stabilizer Fin but the captain did not not shut down the generators as expected forcing the fighters to flee. The ship's reactor detonated shortly after destroying the Corvette and two nearby squadrons of X-Wings. With that, the rebel ships turned to withdraw with their remaining three squadrons of fighters covering. The result was a standoff that lasted a number of hours with neither side's ships or fighters engaging. All fighters merely burned fuel while Captain Skysterov refused to engage. at long last, he gave the orders for new attack runs against the remaining rebel ships. Immediately upon engagement, Raigen and Blah909 destroyed an oncoming flight of X-Wings. Raigen destroyed another X-Wing that was part of a pair attacking Scrace. Zurth Scrace and Raigen eliminated the second, retreating X-Wing, shortly after. This was followed by another kill from Jaden as the fighters raced toward the rebel cruisers and an own kill by the Sunbeam as it struck an A-Wing being chased by Scrace.

After destroying the majority of the enemy fighters, Aegis Squadron and other Imperial forces started a desperate fight to prevent the escape of the Rebel cruisers and were successful. All remaining rebel cruisers, including the captured Imperial ones, were disabled. Boarding began shortly after thus completing the mission.

After Effects[edit]

The captured Imperial ships were re-captured by the Imperials and all prisoners were rescued.

The Rebel Interdictor Cruiser Sunbeam was severely damaged and captured.