Careers and Internships

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What makes the Vast Empire Navy unique is its size- though small, it is highly multi-capable and efficient. Remarkable considering that an organization of such size hasn't gone bankrupt or been crushed- the different careers in which these members endeavor is the key. Put simply, instead of having a certain amount of pilots, then allocating another certain amount of technicians to a ship, or staff, or medics, or engineers, or systems technician officers, or... You get the point... Instead, the VE has a pilot... Who also happens to be a medic... Who may have brushed up with some simple electronics- able to break open a simple locking mechanism on a door access. Useful- very useful. In this sense, though there are less numbers, one person technically holds the skills of two. This is why the Navy, though not as disciplined all the time, is still incredibly functional. With the options discussed below, perhaps you can be one of those members who is actually... Two? Three members?


The jobs that are to be discussed can pertain to almost any situation, but will most easily fit in a single place: that being a ship. It's unlikely that a pilot will run into as many opportunities to show off his other technical prowesses while he's gliding through space. However, if they're assigned to a ship, they may not fly that mission, or perhaps they come back during the fight because of orders from High Command, or they jump on to another ship, an enemy ship- crash land! Whatever have you. Either way, certain positions must be allowed flexibility, or they might as wlel not bother training for the other skills.

Furthermore- do you want to have a specialty? Really all that does is make you capable for one thing alone. However, multiple capabilities can be hectic... For instance, you have a number of positions- none which can technically be 'taught', (I'm sorry- I don't have the technical instructions for replacing a fuse in a Star Destroyer engine array that consumes millions of watts of energy, which in turn pumps into an engine that uses up several millions more in gallons of a fuel a minute)- though we can make it up... But we have these positions: when will they be useful? When will you honestly say that "I'm going to be a medic today?" The truth is that your character might only see people who shoot themselves in the foot to get a medical leave... For months! So what do you do in the meantime. Again, in order to be more efficient, those who are actually trained for the job stay behind to take on those positions when little is actually happening, where as those who may be triple-threats (say a medic, pilot and engineer), they'll be sent around frequently, usually where-ever they're needed, most likely into a very serious situation. The only problem with this is that they can't get very comfortable: they will always be moving and almost always be at risk of death. While someone who specializes may not always be busy: at least they get a break. Introducing your character to these abilities will change the environment in which they work quite drastically, thus-

The greatest number of skills a person can have is three: to go much beyond that would be unrealistic. The idea really is to find the proper balance between effective and outright useless. For instance, if you give someone five skills, they're spread to thin- they can't be good at everything, can they? The least we can do is make them pretty good at a few things, thus useful to do more than one thing. Getting lost yet? What this does is makes the medic pick up the gun rather than hiding in the closet: he or she has had armed combat training. Or perhaps the pilot runs into the gun turret and unloads a salvo on an enemy fighter; the engineer bakes a cake; the high admiral draws a picture- whatever. They can do these things well, but they may not be as good as another person who spends their entire time specializing at one thing. However! They'll certainly be better than a person who tries to do everything.

Pilot Skills[edit]

Gun Sellers: The job is simple- hand the guns and tell people how to shoot 'em!

Quakers: Ever wanted to make a big esplosion? Lean how to point a big gun!

Liners: Need to call a relative but don't know how to dial long distance? Let one of these folks know.

Slicers: So you forgot the password again? No problem- and while your at, why not take the entire thing apart and rebuild it?

Sentinels: Don't want to be the first through the door? Thas fine- we'll go first.

Medics: Look! BACTA!

Grubbers: Still don't know which berries are bad to eat?

Trackers: Never seem to know where the baddies are?

Packers: Fly a fighter but can't work a stick?

(to be edited)