E45 Blaster Rifle

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E-45 blaster rifle
Production Information
Developer Imperial Vigil Enterprises
Model E-45
Type Blaster rifle
Physical and Technical Specifications
Size Medium
Length 60cm
Weight 5 kg
Capacity 500 shots
Range 500 meters

The E45 blaster rifle is in its first production run as a possible successor to the E-11. It can alternate between semiautomatic, fully automatic and pulse-fire settings. Like the E-11 it has a computer enhanced scope compensated for dark, hazy, or smoky conditions, while a supplementary computer enabled the scope to display data specific to the weapon's current operating mode. The scope is linked to the new SCOPE Armour and its view can be displayed on a HUD inside the trooper's helmet. This allows the user to look around corners using the rifle and shoot more accurately "from the hip."

Whilst the rifle has proven more accurate than the E-11 it has been shown to be less reliable, especially in extreme climates.