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Planet Kazaar
Region Outer Rim
Sector Elrood
System Kazaar System
Class Class M
Climate Continental
Primary Terrain Farmland
Points of Interest Vast Fields (none)
Native Species None
Immigrated Species Human
Major Cities Kazaar City, Drak


The planet of Kazaar was discovered 1432 BBY by an Old Republic grid mapping expedition of the Elrood Sector. Having no sentient life forms, it was cataloged and then forgotten. No attention was paid to it until 334 BBY when hyperspace probes from the Verinia System were sent out to investigate the planet for possible farming. The tests came back positive. A year later, colony ships landed on the soil of Kazaar. Since then it has become a major player in the galaxy’s grain and vegetable market. Kazaar gained its independence from Verinia in 138 BBY through a treaty reached by peaceful means. The two planets remained on friendly terms until the corruption of the Verinian Government by Stephen Curtious in 33 BBY. Tensions continue up to date for the Galactic Empire took over where Curtious left off in 17 BBY.


Population 2.3 Billion
Species 92% Human, 5%Banthan, 3%Other
Religion 50%General God, 30%Atheist, 10%Ancestral, 5%Force, 5%Other
Language Basic
Literacy 90%


Long Form Republic of Kazaar
Short Form Kazaar
Abbreviation RoK
Government Type Republic (confederate of New Republic)
Administrative divisions 56 Provinces
Independence 138 BBY
Legal System A senate makes the laws and a judical system enforces them.
Suffrage 18 years of age


The economy of Kazaar is agriculturally based, specializing in both vegetable and grain production. Its industrial and mining operations are only big enough to support the planet alone. Farming has always been the economy of Kazaar and probably always will be.

Most vehicles are imports along with medical and plastic products. Other major imports include durasteel, transparisteel, and house hold appliances.

Kazaar accepts the New Republic credit as its Currency.


Since the Kazaar Military is supported by the New Republic, equipment is similar in nature. The Kazaar Army (KA) is made up of 100 local militia divisions and 50 NR divisions. The Kazaar Air Force (KAF) is made up of 9 NR Wings. Kazaar does not have a naval fleet.

Transplanetary Issues[edit]

Kazaar is enemies with any remnant groups of the Empire since it is a member of the New Republic. More specifically, certain members of Kazaarian Society have been fighting a guerilla war on and off with the Verinian Remnant. They also have problems with pirates from time to time.