Logistics & Supply

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Vast Imperial Navy Skill
Logistics & Supply
Skills & Talents Learned
Logistics & Supply Skill



The Mission : Please Sign Forms A1, B37, H90-a, and ZZ26. In Triplicate. - "And I've had supply problems of every kind."[edit]

You are to create a short story (500 words, minimum) in which your character must show a good command of the skill necessary to keep their ship or unit supplied, whether as normal maintenace or to repair and resupply after combat. Be sure to include several areas that require attention, such as Consumables, Personnel, Repair & Refit, Crew's Pay, etc. Use the information you've researched to detail the items needing attention, explain how your character organizes the items and arranges for them to be taken care of, and briefly describe the delivery and storage, if necessary, of the goods or services involved. Be sure to include at least some of the communications with the suppliers, which should preferably be through a written request transmitted to them rather than a conversation.

To recap, you are required to include the following: WHAT your character is dealing with, WHY he/she is dealing with it (include a brief history), HOW they are dealing with it and finally ending with the portrayal of the way the situation is resolved and how it ends up (ie. where do the requisitioned items go, who delivers them) Good luck.

Links and Resources[edit]

Here is a comprehensive list of links with information useful for hyperspace mechanics. Read the information on them, learn it. It might just continue to feed and pay your men. Trust us- that's a good thing.

Links forthcoming. PM recommendations to Stormz or Drac.

  • Note : The Vast Empire claims no credit in exterior sites, all information provided is for fictional use only.