Minor Threats to the VE

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Sometimes we get so preoccupied fighting with the New Republic and Thrawn that we forget we have countless enemies in the even vaster place that is the Galaxy. Composed here are some of the ones that are declared to be of some level of danger, but lack the resources to be a major threat.

Illumine Order[edit]

The answer to the question is the question to the answer ... is.

—A tortured prisoner claiming high rank in the Illumine

Are there many Illumine, or are there a few? Do they have an ultimate goal, or are they as directionless as they are mysterious? Are they the ones responsible for the color of that mystery meat you had for lunch today in the barracks cafeteria?

In all likelihood, there are thousands of Illuminati within the Vast Empire, but only a handful of them have any idea what is going on in the secret society. The scary thing is, that select handful probably knows what's going on everywhere. Illumine perform strange and bizarre missions that even their senior members seem not to understand. "Buy ten thousand Solo pops," or "Piss in a cup and put it on the third room on the right outside the turbolift on the fifth floor of apartment complex 7YE2" might be a mission, or "Kill the Company Commander of Bantha Company" could be just as likely. Illumine members seldom try to figure out what's really going on. Those that do are rumored to go insane, be eliminated, or get promoted.


Yeah, right. We have no idea. It has something to do with gaining knowledge because knowledge is power, but, beyond that, it gets pretty fuzzy.


Might as well try to figure out which cereal flake came from which box just by looking at it. VE Intel theory is, any Illumine who acts like he knows what's going on, doesn't, but can usually BS other members of the society into doing what he wants.


It probably has something to do with completing missions and providing information. However, it would be just like the Illumine to award high rank to those who defy their orders and go out on their own to discover what's going on. Of course, they might also drop a 16 ton safe on your head for doing that as well.


None known


None known

Typical Illumine Conversation[edit]

Illumine: Initiate. You wish to join the Illumine.

Initiate: Yes, oh great Illuminator. I wish to know the answers to all things.

Illumine: The answer to all things is in the palm of your hand, the part of your hair, and the fold of your robe. You must search for it and never find it, or you will never understand. The way to ignorance is through understanding.

Initiate: Huh?

Illumine: Correct. You have passed.