Naval Tech

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                                                              -> Basic Slicer -> Slicer
 Technical Apprentice -> Basic Technician -> Basic Programmer -> Programmer
                                                              -> Basic Comm Tech -> Comm Tech


Probably some of the the most dangerous skills to possess belong to the networking and computer field. What might seem useless to the classic hardworking man or women, those that hold steady jobs as a constructionist or secretaries, is actually the very thing that keeps every organization in the known universe on their toes. Walls of security are constantly being checked and re-checked by the Imperials, New Republic and even tirade pirate groups. There is nothing more valuable than the truth, and those that can obtain it and then send out something that seems like the truth but really isn't... Are really quite dangerous.

This 'slicing' skill is really a combination of many things though; one must have technical expertise in all of the fields below it to be truly ready for the demands that slicing has on an individual. In short, everyone starts at the bottom and really only moves up through experience. The first three divisions of skill are stacked on one another according to the amount of knowledge you are bound to posses over a period of time. Once you have surpassed these three levels of experience, though, you can choose where you'd like to become an exert- the slicer as was mentioned above, the programmer, or the Comm Tech. These are the Naval Tech skills and studies.

Crossing Wires

Starting at the beginning can be tough for many people because they don't know the first thing about the equipment they will be working on. Of course, as a Technical Apprentice, you won't be working on your own but assisting a far more experienced individual. These experiences are bound to be different for every individual based on their own writing qualities, but the technology dealt with should be fairly in common. First off, in the 'communications' department', the use of what is known as the 'HoloNet' is of primary concern. The HoloNet was originally created by the Old Republic to transmit messages near instantaneously anywhere in the galaxy,where a holographic image of the sender would be introduced to the receiver. This was done by setting large receivers throughout the galaxy with massive computer systems sifting and reorganizing information at faster than the speed of light. This was originally used for various reasons, whether they be evening entertainment or weekly news. During the clone wars, however, it became a source of propaganda for both the Republic and the Confederacy; only after the Emperor took over did they limit the access of the HoloNet strictly to military functions- this was to prevent the public from seeing the atrocities that the new Empire was wreaking all over the galaxy. There are various private HoloNet frequencies within a single system these days that are quite penetrable if a certain instrument is added onto the transmitting terminal, but otherwise these HoloNet waves can not simply be caught out of thin air. It is on the main HoloNet that information is stolen and false information is released; the Bothan race is well known for its capture of information.

The only other things you would really be dealing with are the computers themselves- this is where everyday knowledge can come in hand. Individual storage of information, inter-system transmissions- everything goes through computers. Massive attempts to shield this information is made every day and good programmers and slicers are in high demand. Your character could learn about all of these things over time or already have a thorough knowledge of them- either way it doesn't make them all that great. Experience is the key here- knowing your systems inside and out so you get exactly what you need instantaneously.

Pay Increase: Technical Apprentice will earn an additional monthly income of 2000 ICs while the Basic Technician is given 4,000 ICs. If your character can make it up to the Basic Programmer, he or she will be given the 7,000 IC additional monthly incom.

Appearence: There is very little special clothing besides some gloves perhaps, but really your character needs only to be prepared with the right tools, whether those be data cards or actual instruments to fix a machine.

Getting Technical

Once you've written in about two to three stories as a Tech's assistant, you'll probably be moved up to Basic Technician. The road from Basic Tech to Basic Program is the difference between learning to hand tools to a senior adviser and knowing how to program and entire database- we're talking several stories time. At least four to five additional stories with the Tech abilities will grant you this elevation. Many people will probably stop with this skill here because it allows you a wide range of knowledge- your character would be able to deal with all forms of Technical work. He or she would both build and repair machinery as well as program it where as the specialties will limit the type of work received. The only pitfall is that the individual will not be as good at a specific skill if they don't specialize in it- but what are the chances you're going to be able to use it all the time? If you think it's worth it though- you can move yourself into any of the following three specialties: Basic Com Tech, Basic Slicer, or Programmer. Your Com Techs are going to be the folks that fix and adjust feeds, as well as the machinery itself- and that refers to any machinery used in the technical field. Anyone who goes into specifics with slicers will make it their business to be able to break in and break out of an opposing system without leaving a trace, not to mention being able to build defenses of their own. Programmers are those that set up entire systems for a base or network to use- manage it, protect it, and, if need be- destroy it. Someone breaks into the communications headquarters- all of that information has to be stored and hidden or destroyed entirely. It's up to you how decide to do that...

Pay Increase: The Basic Slicer, Programmer and Basic Comm Tech each receive an additional 10,000 ICs per month. The Basic Slicer and Basic Comm Tech, over time can develop into the 'Slicer' and 'Comm Tech,' though, so those positions would receive 15,000 additional ICs per month.


Some of the information for this page was taken from the wookiepedia page on 'HoloNet,' which can be found here: . This additional source may be very helpful though: .

Contact a representative of the VENA-Staff if you are interested in taking on this role for your character and need further information.