Problem Solving Exam

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Please Note: This exam is no longer in use as per the order of Naval Training Officer StOrMz.

Time to move on to the second step in the Master Aviator's Exam journey. The following exam is a portion of the 'Minors Exams' or MEs. This test is split up into three sections, two you will know of and the third being conducted quietly as you complete the other two. They must be done in order- the (pse) first and then the Internship once the (pse) has been completed and an interning operation is okay and can be conducted. Once one completes this, they have fulfilled one of the requirements of the MA- that's passing the TE. Other factors like rank, time in the VEN and experience will come into play when finally being allowed to take the MA though.

You can send this exam to the training staff at [email protected], or send them through the ComNet message Center to any T3 or above. 03s and above can be asked for help here as well. These will not be accepted through personal e-mails because they need to be kept in an open e-mail for reference purposes.

In order to take the test below, you need to have passed the Senior Aviator's Exam (SAE), the Technical Exam (TE) and reported to your Squadron Commander on what you're going to be doing. Take your time and do your best to answer the questions fully.

NOTE: You must copy the entire format below and answers the questions below the written questions. If answers you send in are not with the format below, it will not be accepted and thus, you will not receive a grade. Be sure to include it or you will never receive any word.

Leadership Exam (LE) 100 Points Total

75 points to pass.

Part I: Problem Solving Exam (pse)

50 Points total. Ten Questions
Total points:
Officer's Notes

Rules: In order to even be eligible for this test, a pilot must have gone through the TE and passed, getting the 'okay' from the VENA-HS. This test must be taken and 'okayed' by the VENA-HS in order for a pilot to move on to Interning. In order to pass this particular test, you must attain 37 points. You must be as thorough as possible and not treat these essay questions like anything other than essay questions. If you fit these expectations, you may proceed immediately.

Date and Time:

1. List as many problems as you can with your squadron. (5 points)

2. Organize by importance, show as many cause and effect relationships as possible and present how you would solve those problems. (10 points)

3. State as clearly as you can, the duties of every position in your squadron (SC, XO, FL and FM). (8 points)

4. How can anger affect judgment? (2 points)

5. Explain the weekly report process- what might your report look like? (3 points).

6. Activity has slumped in your flight over the last few weeks- how might you correct this while being sensitive to the responsibilities and feelings of your flight members? That means not asking for a fine every time someone doesn't do exactly as you ask. (10 Points)

7. Someone in your flight isn't posting on the squadron story as they should; barely at all, in fact. Presuming this is because of writers block or simply not knowing what to do- what assistance can you offer them? (3 points)

8. How can you improve the writing of your squadron through communication? (3 points)

9. How does positive reinforcement vs. negative reinforcement affect the squadron as a whole as well as single members, elements and flights? (3 points)

10. How does respect toward your own pilots affect the group as a whole? What can you do to respect your pilots? Yourself and the VEN? (3 points).

Part 2: Interning (in)

40 points total. Any amount of time supplied for interning.
Total points:
Officer's Notes

Rules: One must have passed the TE, the (pse) and spoken to the VENA-HS as well as the member they'll be interning about the interning itself. A certain amount of time will be appointed for you to perform certain task under the tutelage of said member- that could be writing up a story, looking for problems in plot or organization, perhaps within the squadron or system you're dealing with as a whole. This can be done in the VENA-S, any Naval Squadron (including the training squadron) and done aboard a ship. You'll need to attain 29 of the points above to pass. All requests must be sent to the VENA-HS or any T3 and above. 03s can also give you significant information.

Part 3: Unknown (un)

10 points total. Any amount of time supplied for interning.
Total points:
Officer's Notes

Rules: You do not know anything this aspect of training, and yet you do. It is only important that you act to the highest degree of your own moral character during your LE time- if you do not, you could be met by this exam up front. You'll need seven of the above points to pass.