RAIDERS' Unconventional Warfare

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RAIDERS specialize in the harassment, demoralization and subversion of enemy forces and civilian infrastructure. We adhere to this specialty as defined by [Wikipedia|].

Unconventional Warfare focuses on removing not only the military's ability to fight effectively, but also by demoralizing the troops and civilians. Civilians provide the backbone of every faction, they are the ones that not only make the weapons and supplies for the military but also support or criticize the military, provide a recruiting resource for the military and influence governments. To every faction there are generally four powers in varying degrees. These four are The Military, The Government, The Police and The Criminal Element. While on different worlds the power of each vary largely each element is there. If one element is removed another fills the vacuum. This can be seen if the criminal element is disposed of the police and government gain power, if the police are removed then the criminal and military elements gain power, if the government is removed any one of the other three can move to fill the void.

Instead of attacking these powers head on it is frequently more advantageous to remove the civilians confidence in them. This can be done by demonstrating the military and police forces inability to keep them safe. Accomplished usually with attacks on civilian establishments and the civilians themselves as well as with propaganda and various other subversion techniques. Care however must also be made to keep these attacks on a smaller scale but more widely spread. Actions such as destroying a planet or city can run the risk of uniting the enemy populace against you. Also it is important that responsibility for such attacks never be discovered. People that do not know who their enemy is will begin to see him everywhere, spreading panic and distrust among the populace. Propaganda is effectively spread with graffiti, pamphlets, holo-broadcasts and other such methods. What works just as well is also when an operative can attend social places and spread rumors and half truths in person.

Belittling the government, revealing real or imagined weaknesses and forcing the governing body to curtail or abolish liberties and freedoms breeds resentment and anger. Removing important supplies and luxuries through the careful targeting of trade and industry is effective. This need not be done head on either. Sure, blowing up a transport or two will somewhat lower the number of available trade goods. However revealing transports loaded with terrorists or large amounts of illegal materials will force the government to clamp down on trade, enforcing more rigorous inspections and ultimately forcing it to expand it's policing/customs forces, this will lead to increased goods prices, increased taxes and higher police presence. All of which will contribute to the civillians unease. Especially if the area is known for having a dishonest or abusive police force.

The Criminal Element is one of the more difficult to eradicate or disorganize. By it's very nature it must be able to adapt to sudden changes in leadership and power. The most effective way to fight them is with the police force and against itself. Most effectively done by implicating various organizations in attacks on one another and the police, as well as civilians. The other way is to remove or limit their supply of funds. This can range from stealing shipments of drugs, weapons or whatever their cargo may be, to destroying their distribution centers. The most effective way is to fight them using criminal type tactics in deciding what to attack and how. Frequently large organizations are headed by one or two people, but just as often they are headed by several. Simply killing or removing these few is not enough to sufficiently destabilize the organization. Generally they must be destroyed from bottom to top. Simply destroying the top most people generally causes those lower to step up and take their place and while there may be some infighting in this case it is usually finished relatively quickly compared to when the top several tiers are removed almost all the way down to the street thug. This causes many small splinter factions, leaving less of the infrastructure in place for them to raise quickly.