Regents Maneuvers

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A list of techniques, tricks, and maneuvers that Regents Squadron has invented or modified. The list will be expanded as moves are retconned or invented.

Hyperspace Kamikaze[edit]


A Regents original, although similar strategies exist. The Kamikaze was first used when Maroy, flying a stolen, crippled X-Wing, ordered the ship's astromech to hyperjump into a shielded New Republic vessel and then ejected. The kinetic energy from the impact completely destroyed both the fighter and a good chunk of the larger vessel's hull around the hangar, leaving the area unshielded and open to boarding.

Regents Usage[edit]

The technique was very rarely used again, because of the costs associated with replacing a hyperdrive-equipped fighter. However, it saw use later when a light freighter commandeered by Regents was attacked by a Star Destroyer.

Starfire Snare[edit]


A technique initially designed by pirates as a cheap, low-tech alternative to trapping a ship using a gravity well projector. A group of fast medium-sized vessels would maneuver into a net shape around the target, while leaving a gap that faced an asteroid or similar. If the captive ship's captain was sane, he would surrender. Otherwise, he would launch out of the net and crash.

Regents Usage[edit]

Regents adapted the technique for fighter use, using it to trap small freighters or other small targets. Instead of asteroids or planets, other enemy ships were often used as the target. The maneuver had been attempted eight times, twice successfully, before the squadron's disbandment after then-SC Avalar resigned. The trap primarily failed when the captured ship decided to simply plow through one of the fighters instead of taking the bait.

First Star[edit]


Used by smugglers to shave time off a run, avoid security patrols, win distance races. Or if you were a scientist test a new navigational computer design. Add in the fact it tended to give Astromech droids mechanical breakdowns helped keep it's legacy alive.

Regents Usage[edit]

One of the first more truly insane maneuvers, firstly because it required pretty much kicking the navigational computer. Secondly it required really trusting the navigational computer after you had kicked it. Used as a means for a squadron, or a single pilot to either seriously damage a larger vessel or outright destroy it.

The trap is easy for the most part, find a ship that really dislikes you. Make it chase you into hyperspace, if you are lucky they will follow you and hopefully think there is a safe spot to jump out so near a star or other spacial anomaly. Of course, you had previously plotted a jump to the very edge of the point of no return near a black hole, super nova, or sun. If the ship has followed you correctly and you've not used up all your luck your smaller fighter has the ability to break away and make a run for it, the larger ship is almost guaranteed not to pull out. If they do they will be severely damaged at the very least.

Wronski Feint[edit]


A maneuver as old as high-speed propulsion. While being pursued, fly toward a wall or other solid object. Then pull up at the last second and watch your enemy explode behind you.

Regents Usage[edit]

While simple, the maneuver was used to great effect by Regents over the years. Enemy capital ships, installations, or other relatively fixed objects were often substituted for the classic wall with often impressive results.

Demetrius Diversion[edit]


Named for Demetrius "Hades" Aita, the Diversion is a complex maneuver first used against the Imperial Dominion Tartan-class Cruiser Scythe. It consists of one pilot flying full throttle past the fore of a target ship, drawing its fire. A second fighter, used as a mobile targeting beacon by the rest of the squadron, flies straight across the bow of the enemy vessel and causes the missiles to crash into it within moments of each other. Both fighters then pull away to avoid the blast and any retaliatory fire.

Regents Usage[edit]

The only known usage of this maneuver so far is the initial instance of Tuk'ata using it against the Scythe, where Maroy and Scral performed the diversion and spotter parts, respectively.