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Tadath (Nodriss B)

Sian System


8438.02 km (1.32 x earth)

Surface Area

8.95 x 108 km2

Land Area

5.01 x 108 km2 (3.36 x earth)


1.25 x 1025 kg (2.09 x earth)


4.96 g/cm3 (0.90 x earth)

  • 38.3% Iron
  • 24.2% Oxygen
  • 15.1% Silicon
  • 13.7% Magnesium
  • 3.2% Sulfur
  • 1.8% Nickel
  • 1.6% Calcium
  • 1.2% Aluminum
  • 0.9% Other

11.64 m/s2 (1.19 x earth)

Escape Velocity

14.01 km/s

Rotation Period (Length of Year)

615 local days

Orbital Period (Length of Day)

22 standard hours

Axial Tilt

12.48 °






Type I, inhabitable


118.73 kPa (1.17 x earth)




Mountains, oceans, deserts, forests, polar ice caps

Min Temp

225 K (-47 °C)

Avg Temp

294 K (21 °C)

Max Temp

353 K (80 °C)


Vast Empire


6.4 billion

Sentient Species




Planetside Points of Interest
  • Vast Empire Army Headquarters
  • Stormtrooper Training Facilities
Orbital Points of Interest
  • Zero-G Trooper Training Facilities

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The terrestrial moon Nodriss B, or more commonly know as Tadath, is the the only inhabitable planet in the Sian System and is the base of operations for the Vast Empire Army. The wide range of terrain of Tadath makes this an excellent planet upon which troopers can train.

Tadath is a terrestrial moon, meaning that it is a rocky body, rather than a gas giant like Nodriss. It is the largest of the four moons orbiting Nodriss, both in terms of size and mass. Of these four moons, Tadath also has the highest density, the highest surface gravity and the strongest magnetic field.

Composition and Structure

Chemical Composition

The mass of the Tadath is approximately 1.25 x 1025 kg. It is composed mostly of iron (38.3%), oxygen (24.2%), silicon (15.1%), magnesium (13.7%), sulfur (3.2%), nickel (1.8%), calcium (1.6%), and aluminum (1.2%); with the remaining 0.9% consisting of trace amounts of other elements.

A little more than 47% of Tadath's crust consists of oxygen. The more common rock constituents of Tadath's crust are nearly all oxides; chlorine, sulfur and fluorine are the only important exceptions to this and their total amount in any rock is usually much less than 1%. The principal oxides are silica, alumina, iron oxides, lime, magnesia, potash and soda. The silica functions principally as an acid, forming silicates, and all the commonest minerals of igneous rocks are of this nature.

Internal Structure

The interior of Tadath, like that of the other terrestrial bodies, is chemically divided into layers. Tadath has an outer silicate solid crust, a highly viscous mantle, a liquid outer core that is much less viscous than the mantle, and a solid inner core. The crust is separated from the mantle, and the thickness of the crust varies: averaging 6 km under the oceans and 30–50 km on the continents.

The internal heat of the moon is most likely produced by the radioactive decay of potassium-40, uranium-238 and thorium-232 isotopes. All three have half-life decay periods of more than a billion years. At the center of Tadath, the temperature may be up to 8,500 K and the pressure could reach 480 GPa. A portion of the core's thermal energy is transported toward the crust by Mantle plumes; a form of convection consisting of upwellings of higher-temperature rock. These plumes can produce hotspots and flood basalts.

Tectonic plates







Weather and Climate

Tadath's atmosphere has no definite boundary, slowly becoming thinner and fading into outer space. Three-quarters of the atmosphere's mass is contained within the first 12 km of the planet's surface. This lowest layer is called the troposphere. Energy from Sian heats this layer, and the surface below, causing expansion of the air. This lower density air then rises, and is replaced by cooler, higher density air. The result is atmospheric circulation that drives the weather and climate through redistribution of heat energy.

The primary atmospheric circulation bands consist of the trade winds in the equatorial region below 35° latitude and the westerlies in the mid-latitudes between 35° and 70°. Ocean currents are also important factors in determining climate, particularly the thermohaline circulation that distributes heat energy from the equatorial oceans to the polar regions.

Water vapor generated through surface evaporation is transported by circulatory patterns in the atmosphere. When atmospheric conditions permit an uplift of warm, humid air, this water condenses and settles to the surface as precipitation. Most of the water is then transported back to lower elevations by river systems, usually returning to the oceans or being deposited into lakes. This water cycle is a vital mechanism for supporting life on land, and is a primary factor in the erosion of surface features over geological periods. Precipitation patterns vary widely, ranging from several meters of water per year to less than a millimeter. Atmospheric circulation, topological features and temperature differences determine the average precipitation that falls in each region.

Tadath can be sub-divided into specific latitudinal belts of approximately homogeneous climate. Ranging from the equator to the polar regions, these are the tropical (or equatorial), subtropical, temperate and polar climates. Climate can also be classified based on the temperature and precipitation, with the climate regions characterized by fairly uniform air masses. The commonly-used climate classification system has five broad groups (humid tropics, arid, humid middle latitudes, continental and cold polar), which are further divided into more specific subtypes.

Magnetic Field

Flora and Fauna





Native to Tadath, Cistox hunt in packs, and will often chase their prey into corners or ambush the target with its hunting partners before moving in for the kill with scissor-like fangs.



Cities and Urban Areas

Largest Cities



Enos is the industrial and mining center of Tadath. Here the minerals and ore are harvested from the planets crust. In the factories weapons, ships, armor, clothing, and other military and civilian items are built, sewn, fabricated, or forged. The main bulk of Enos sits at the bottom of a large mine. Several large factories along with a worker barracks, and a large loading dock make up the city. Out on the edges of the mine, out of the pit, are several more factories and a large spaceport.

Police: Since Enos is not the finest of cities, a great police force is not needed. The city is watched over by a small security guard force and the mine is surrounded by a 10 foot high wall.

Spaceport: Owned mostly by the factory owners, the port is used to ship completed goods, and materials offworld, and to the other cities of Tadath.


Once a flourishing city but now a shadow of its former glory; the private company Mu’randa Mining Incorporated once had a huge stake in the city but when the terenthium veins became depleted the company moved on. Criminal organizations now control much of Harmu and if you know the right person and have the right amount of imperial credits; you can get yourself pretty much anything.

Police : Primarily lawless, however there are private security companies that operate to those that have the funds for them.

Starport: Owned by a private company called YPYP (You Park You Pay) charges pilots for the duration of their stay and how big the ship is.


The capitol city of Tadath, Sianat houses the main STC barracks and is a multi-cultural city home to many of the universe’s diversity of sentient species. Sianat can be divided into districts; one commercial district where many head offices of various companies are located. Two districts for industrial that produce the much needed equipment for a growing planet such as Tadath, and four residential districts divided by levels of income. Large portions of the city were reduced to ruins or rubble by Thrawn's two attacks on the planet, and the city is under martial law.

Hospital: Saint Vader’s is owned by the Storm Trooper Corps and was originally founded as a military hospital, however as Sianat’s population grew and the demand for better hospitals emerged it was converted to civilian use.

Police : The head office for the Vast Empire Intelligence is located in Sianat which has jurisdiction over all forces that are used to police the planet. The Sianat Police Department is an exemplary model for what most police forces should be like, having its own internal drug enforcement agency, and the campaign “Users are Losers” has helped reduce the previous deathstick addiction. The Stormtrooper Corps and Imperial Army have been deployed to help keep order in the city, along with units of the Tadath Defense Forces.

Starport: The Sianat starport is owned by the military and as such all flights may be postponed at a minute’s warning for an emergency landing or departure. Presumably this is currently the case due to the massive destruction caused by the Thrawnist raid.




The agricultural mainstay of Tadath, Tissyli has quickly become a big exporter of Maze-stalk which during the fall season can be harvested for their delicious melon like fruit; and during the winter season can be harvested in order to make cloth. Tissyli is more of an oversized town as opposed to a real city however due to the quantity that is exported by the farmers it has quickly made a name for itself.

Police : Tissyli does not have an organized police force; instead it has semi-organized militia groups that train twice a month. There is an elected Sheriff who has four deputies and any of them can call out the militia in order to aid any ongoing efforts.

Starport: Is owned by a co-operation group of local farmers in order to reduce transport costs in order to maintain an advantage over their competition. Keeping the price cheap for export and prices expensive for those hoping to leave the planet.

Urban Areas








If the government of Tadath has one overriding concern, it is education. The average Tadathian never progresses far beyond a middle school education. This sorry state of affairs is mostly because of the lack of funds to rebuild the educational institutions destroyed from the Tadath Civil War in 65 BBY. This has led to a gradual decline in literacy rates that still continues. Only two universities (basically technical schools) still exist on Tadath: the Tadath Institute of Technology, and the University of Tadath. Because average enrollments are less than a thousand students and because of the lack of qualified teachers and educational professionals, the planet of Tadath will continue to struggle with attempts to reverse the trend, especially with massive infrastructure damage from the two Thrawnist raids.

Tadath Institute of Technology


University of Tadath



The Tadath health sciences represent the sole exception to the state of affairs from the Tadath Civil War. Developed in the early years of the wars by both sides, the medical disciplines have retained a high planetary priority, at times overshadowing the military in their share of economic resources. Today, the Tadath health industry maintains the highest standards of care to be found in the entire sector, and is in many respects superior to that available in other parts of the Galaxy. In recent years, many Tadath physicians and surgeons have begun practice outside VE space on long-term service contracts to other Imperial-friendly governments in hopes of stimulating the Tadath economy. Indeed, one of the major opportunities for Tadath to upgrade its educational system is in the area of foreign cultural exchange, where they may develop programs that "trade" medical care personnel for teachers, technicians, and other professionals.


Though Tadath's once-fabled entertainment industry has nearly disappeared, it still remains a haven for the artist and the actor. The more literate Tadath citizens have traditionally valued the contributions of writers, painters, and performing artists more than any other Vast Empire citizens, save those of Lotaith. Artists can find employment readily available, with government subsidies in abundance. The only demand placed on the individual is high-quality work. By extension, the Tadath planetary government maintains few restrictions on the dissemination of information and political thought, the only exception being the censorship of materials imported from the New Republic or any remaining rebel groups.

Social Services


Crime and Punishment




Tadath employs Imperial Credits as its only official form of currency, as does the rest of the Vast Empire.

Income, Development, and Social Class


Science, Technology, and Transportation



Although the planet is largely controlled by the Vast Empire Army, the civilian matters often fall into the hands of the Tadath Magistracy, which consists of twenty men/women and any bureaucracies they may have established.


Planetary Defenses

Tadath is equipped with a planetary energy shield has at least two planetary defense stations in orbit: the Golan I Space Defense Platform Veritas and the Rendili Space Defense Platform Sentinel. In addition, there are usually one to several Star Destroyers in system at any given time. The stations sustained serious damage during the 2nd Battle of Tadath, and the shield generator was destroyed.

Military Bases

There are several military bases across the planet. The most notable of these is probably Fort Sexton, a large complex surrounded by high walls and defended by a large garrison. Sexton came under attack several times during the attack, Thrawnist forces at one point even penetrating the fort itself and attempting to seize the command staff. Sexton remained in Vast Imperial hands for the duration of the battle, however.



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