Technical Exam

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Please Note: This exam is no longer in use as per the order of Naval Training Officer StOrMz.

Welcome to the first step in the road to the Master Aviator's Exam. The following exam is a portion of the 'Minors Exams' or MEs. This test is split up into two sections that can be submitted seperately, but both need to be done before one can be considered to move on to the Leadership Exams. These can be done in either order, but if you send a portion in, it must be complete or it will not be accepted. You can send these to the training staff at [email protected], or send them through the ComNet message Center. These will not be accepted through personal e-mails because they need to be kept in an open e-mail for referance purposes.

In order to take the test below, you need only have passed the Senior Aviator's Exam (SAE) and reported to your Squadron Commander on what you're going to be doing. Take your time and do your best to answer the questions fully.

NOTE: You must copy the entire format below and answers the questions below the written questions. If answers you send in are not with the format below, it will not be accepted and thus, you will not receive a grade. Be sure to include it or you will never receive any word.

Technical Exam (TE) 100 Points Total

Part I: Equipment Exam (ee)

50 Points total. 30 Questions
Total points:
Officer's Notes

Date and Time:

1. What factors have made the TIE Interceptor a more maneuverable craft than most enemy fighters and its predecessors? (1 point)

2. 'TIE' in TIE Fighter stands for? (1 point)

3. The viewport in the TIE Class ships are made of what? (1 point)

4. How does the mass amount of heat generated by the engines leave a TIE Fighter? (2 points)

5. What is the acceleration rating of a VEN TIE Interceptor in MGLT? (1 point)

6. What creates the thrust in a TIE Fighter? (1 point)

7. Should the pilot's helmet be damaged or the breathing tube obstructed, how else might they be able to breath in the cabin of their fighter? (1 point)

8. In the event of a crash, what would your pilot automatically have with them? (3 points)

9. Where is the main base of operations for the Vast Empire Navy? (1 point)

10. What is the function of a TIE Interceptor? (3 points)

11. What is 'target confusion' and how might that come to play in battle? (2 points)

12. What is an AA gun? What are the two types of them? (2 point)

13. What does it mean to be painted? How might one know that this is occuring to them? (2 points)

14. Say you're squadron is staying on a new planet- what might be different about this one from the last one? Some may become sick or even find it difficult to walk because of these factors- what are they? (3 points)

15. How is the Vast Empire Navy's doctrine on starfighters and their pilots different than the original Empire? (3 points)

16. What is the figher you're most likely to use in one of the VEN's Squadrons? (1 point)

17. Why might a TIE pilot prefer to die in a firey wreck rather than eject into open space? (1 point)

18. What can be used for low level flying and, in the event of a crash landing, what might come into play to keep the TIE from simply wrecking? (1 point)

19. How does a TIE class ship usually launch and land? (1 point)

20. What is the acceleration rating of an X-Wing and A-wing in MGLT? (1 point)

21. What effect do 's-foils' have on an X-wing and it's speed? (2 points)

22. What are the different modes of cannon fire on an X-wing and a TIE Interceptor? (2 points)

23. What are the acceleration ratings of Planetary Fighters, Cloakshape Fighters and Preybird attack fighters in MGLT? (3 points)

24. The normal TIE class fighters only have light armoring to protect them from blast or enemy fire- what has been equipped to VEN fighters to further protect them? (1 point)

25. Does a TIE Fighter have rudders? (1 point)


26. How does a TIE Fighter turn? (Not in the flip over and pull up sense- think propulsion) (1 point)

27. A pilots flight suit is made out of certain fabrics- how is made to protect them? (1 point)

28. How does a pilot's helmet help keep them safe? (1 point)

29. What weapon is usually placed within a TIE Fighter in case they need to land in enemy terriroty? (1 point)

30. What is the Vast Empire in the whole scheme of things? Its not the Empire, nor the New repulic- its a? Also- explain this. (3 points)


Part II: Tactical Test (tt)

50 Points total. 20 Questions
Total points:
Officer's Notes

Date and Time:

1. What is BFM and energy when discussing it? (2 points)

2. How is it affected by offensive and defensive manuevering? (1 point)

3. An enemy fighter has just fired a missle on you- it had a missle lock. Is there a set of maneuvers or ideas that could help you survive this? What are they? (3 points)

4. What are power conversions within a fighter and how do they affect weapons, engines and shields so that they can strenghten or weaken your abilities in the air? (2 Points)

5. Dumbfiring is the art of freely firing a missile or torpedo into the hull of another craft without using a targetting system. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this approach? Can it affect people on the ground? (3 points)

6. There's an argument between many on whether or not firing a missile in a head-on situation is wise- when might it be acceptable and when may the idea just be stupid? (2 Points)

7. What affect does "aspect" have on missiles? Can there be greater aspect for a missle? What does this have to do with weapon's envelope? (3 points)

8. How do angle-off, aspect-angle and range all correlate to affect BFM? (3 points)

9. What's the best way to separate from a fight? (1 point)

10. When referring to the positions of starboard, port, aft and post- where are they according to the "O'Clock" System? (2 points)

11. What is a turning battle? (1 point)

12. What's the difference between a concussion missile and a proton torpedo? How can they be used against capitol ships and clusters of fighters? (3 points)

13. What are four wingman commands? (2 Points)

14. What effect does the presence of gravity and atmosphere have on a pilot? (2 points)

15. What is an all-aspect missile? (1 point)

16. What affect does a larger ship like a cruiser have on battle? How can a fighter effectively attack a larger ship, such as a cruiser? (2 points)

17. What are some general rules you should follow when facing off against multiple targets? (3 points)

18. How does the presence of a wingman affect battle? Are wingmen full proof in a fight against multiple bandits? Why or why not? (3 Points)

Essay Question #1: What is BFM? How is it used offensively, defensively and in head-on situations? Is it wise to bother when engaging multiple bandits? It's always coming up, no matter how many fighters you face- how is this used against the nearest threat? Make sure to answer all the questions.(3 Points)

Essay Question #2: Show me a sequence where one Flight of Imperial fighters is able to disrupt and destroy another flight of New Republic Fighters. Fighters on either side are up to you- TIE Fighters, Interceptors, Advanced, Gunboats, Missile boats- it's totally up to you. Using TIE Defenders is pretty much frowned upon, but if you can create convincing battle data to show exactly where your threats were presented and how you overcame them- it would be acceptable. The goal here is to show every tactical decision made during the short battle between the two flights- that means energy exchange between shields, engines and weapons, change in formation to expose weaknesses in enemy formation or tactics, and mentioning weaknesses in that formation you choose as well. Tell us everything. Include BFM and ACM knowledge, like how you know that your group is in the offensive or defensive position from time to time. (10 Points).