The Perfect Storm (Jester Squad)

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The Mission[edit]

Read the mission in all it's entirety at

In response to increased raids by the New Republic upon Vast Empire shipping lanes, the Vast Empire Army, spearheaded by Storm Platoon, has decided to put an end to the threat that is the planet Eriadu. Led by several elite and veteran Stormtrooper squads, this lightning strike is aimed at crippling New Republic activity in the area. The following is the account of one such squad, Jester Squad, as they attempt to complete their objectives.

The Objectives[edit]

Objective #1[edit]

Mission: Take control of Eriadu City by eliminating militia and capturing planetary governor.
Objective 1: Infiltrate militia motor pool and cripple their movements within the city.
Armor/Weapons: Standard Squad Equipment.
Details: Jester will microjump into the system and land near the city on a Sentinel-class shuttle. They will make no attempt to hide their intentions, as the chaos ensuing from their landing and appearance will aide in the overtaking of the city.
Expected Opposition: Expect at least thirty (30) armed guards plus mechanics and techs at the motor pool. Scattered militia should engage along the way. They will not be very skilled and should be easily overwhelmed.
Objective Bonus: Crippling the motor pool will slow their response to our invasion. If this objective is completed in less than 15 posts, Jester will be able to commandeer one of the transports of the motor pool to move quickly to their next objective.

Objective #2[edit]

Mission: Take control of Eriadu City by eliminating militia and capturing planetary governor.

Objective 2: Travel via acquired transport to central government building.

Armor/Weapons:Standard Squad Equipment plus any vehicle weapons on the APC.

Details:Having successfully completed their first objective, Jester will proceed to the "downtown" area of the city and fight their way through any opposition to the planetary government's central building. Once there, they must completed two (2) tasks: First, locate and take control of the communications center in the building. Second, determine the location of the planetary governor.

Expected opposition:The building will be well guarded with more skilled combatants than the rag-tag militia. Expect NR commandos to be present, although not in great numbers. Expect close to fifty militia-grade enemies, and perhaps a dozen commandos. On the way to the building, you will encounter vehicular forces whom were out on patrol when the motor pool was destroyed. You will encounter up to three (3) 1-L Light Hovertanks, and a various collection of smaller troop transports.

Objective bonus: Taking control of the communications center will cut off any additional reinforcements from the NR HQ. Failure to complete this mission in less than 15 posts will result in heavier resistance during ensuing objectives.

Game Plan[edit]

Game Plan:

Insurrection -Objective one-

From here, all we need to do is finish up with this last firefight, blow the place, and hop in a speeder or two that were conveniently left untouched by the massive explosions. We need to finish this objective up in the next two-three posts and move on to our second objective.

Pimpin' with a purpose -Objective two-

Scratch one motorpool. We are now heading towards/through the downtown district towards Eriadu's central government building. Resistance will be scattered at first, a armored patrol here, some security force officers there, but nothing to major. Please note that I said "At first" as the closer we get to the government hub the more chance that the patrols will increase.

"You will encounter up to three (3) 1-L Light Hovertanks, and a various collection of smaller troop transports."

Whether these light hovertanks will be in position around the central government building is really up to whoever's posting. The government building itself will be heavily guarded. Sandbag and light-prefabricated cover has been setup on the road outside the entrance and is being manned by the fifty odd milita who have been tasked to defend the area with their lives. Tough, but not invincible. Inside is a different story with a similar ending. NR commando's have been tasked with holding the interior, so expect some fairly hardcore fighting. Add to that the occasional barricaded corridor or fortified entrance hall and its likely going to cause us some headaches.


Once one of the posts goes up, please place a link here that points to where the actual post is. The plans below are not complete plan, but just enough so that we are all on the same page.

1-0. Introduction

With the Jesters geared up in their Storm Commando armor and ready to lay waste to whatever meager 
resistance they might find on Eriadu, they wait patiently for their Sentinel-class Assualt Shuttle 
to insert them into the heart of the city...  (post 0:

1-1. Landing

The Jesters have now inserted in the planet by way of free fall. We're currently in an old factory that we've bored a hole in, and
we need to fight our way out and make our way towards the motor pool. Expect resistance along the way, and heavy resistance when 
we finally get there... (post 1:

1-2. Advancing

The Jester are now on the verge of assaulting Motorpool's front gates. 
They have, and continue to encounter light resistance from the security force who are arriving in trickles on the scene but have 
met with little resistance so far. By now however the element of surprise has been lost, so the occupants of the motor pool will no
doubt be readying a hasty defense. This, coupled with the fact that military units are no doubt on their way to the site of the 
crash, means that the Jester's will have to cripple the Pool as quickly as possible...

1-3. Ambushed (Twice)

The Jesters manage to fend of an ambush and advance on the motor pool, only to end up being interrupted by the very forces they  
had thought defeated. Forces also rush out of the motor pool, and after using several thermite explosives as a distraction the
Jesters are forced to flee towards/into a large factory complex, they're only chance for a successful depending on whether or not 
they can successfully evade the enemy troops and cut through the factory to come full circle back to the motor pool... 

1-4. Motor Pool

Jesters manage to fight and confuse their enemies into opening a way into the motor pool. Lots of blood. Inside the motor pool 
they find a building, come up with new plan; then Jager,Bloodhound and Mai break off to take out the fuel depot part, the other go 
to destroy the vehicles. Enemies are scattered and confused, however they may regroup at some point and go after a nonspecific 
target. Jesters will still have to deal with on site personnel and strays.

1-5. Fuel Depot

Jager, Kami and Bloodhound enter and completely destroy the fuel depot. The explosion is slightly more intense than anticipated. 
There will probably be residual effects throughout the Motor Pool. Jager's team in currently en route to rejoin with the others.

1-6. Interrupted

Jager's team managed to blow up the fuel depot, but Jegora and the remaining Jesters were interrupted by the arrival of what was 
left of the militia. The Jesters took up positions in the garage, which only moments before they had rigged with high yield 
explosives, and prepared to waste some baddies. Expect 20-25 baddies, ill trained and probably exhausted, scared,etc. Let's finish 
this fight up in one or two posts and blow the facility in another. 

1-7. Firefight

Jester has split into two groups to engage the incoming militia. Jegora, Lukas, Hond and Mai eliminate half the incoming enemy    
 force, whilst Jager and the others approach the vehicles to secure a ride out of the Motor Pool. The rest of the enemy is
currently engaged with Jager and his team near the rear of the garage.

1-8. The Rout

 Jager's fireteam manages to stave off the remaining attackers at the rear door. With their defeat and heavy loses the remaining 
 defenders break into a rout and head towards the pool's main gates to consolidate their strength. Jegora has obtained a transport
 and now all thats left to do is blow the place. -note- The PDF's are/should be moving in, so escape wont be a total cake walk. 

1-9. Objective Completed

Jester boarded and APC and made their escape, leveling the garage in the process. The motor pool is effectively crippled, although
they will have to deal with the planetary defense forces as they travel to their next objective.

2-1. En Route

The Jesters commandeer a nice little armored APC with a heavy anti-armor blaster mounted on top (picture something like an E-Web,
but cooler. Picture the Mako from Mass Effect.) They drive (kinda) along, with Jegora at the helm, until they hit something. Hard.

2-2. Man the cannon!

After managing to destroy a two-speeder patrol that they intercepted by simply running them over, the Jesters resumed their course
Back towards the mansion. Jegora dealt with some personal issues, and now the Jesters are getting ready to do battle with a hover
tank that may cause them some problems. However, the APC has a heavy cannon, so it should be about even. See the picture below to
get an idea of what our transport looks like. 

2-3. Tank Duel

The Jesters manage to fend off a hovertank using the APC's cannon and a little bit of luck, but now the enemy knows where they 
are. Heavy resistance is expected, both during the final bit of our journey and once we reach the capitol itself. These are NR
regulars, and will put up a decent fight. -

2-4. Badda bing, badda boom

After repelling a massive attack by hostile forces, the Jesters continue their sojourn to the capitol building. Now they're getting
close, and the resistance is beginning to get stronger and stronger. (Next post should get us into the building)

2-5. Impact

The Jesters finally made it to the capitol building, and after a hair confrontation with a large number of New Republic troops
they managed to safely exit their transport by burying it the side of the capitol building. They now have baddies in front of
and behind them, but being crazy assholes they don't really care. Now they just need to find the communications center and 
locate the planetary governor (who has fled the buidling).

2-6. Inside the capitol

Having successfully exited their APC, which is now half-buried in the capitol building, the Jesters move off towards what they hope
is the communications center. Lukas goes off by himself to scout out the building, much to the dismay of Jegora and the rest of the
the Jesters, who understand that such a move is a giant tactical mistake. 

2-7. He is no brother of mine!

Jager's team has begun their push towards the Comms relay. The signs of Lukas's passing are few and far between but he has become  
a non-fact. The building itself is crawling with Hostile troopers who have errected hasty barricades and cover in the buildings 
tight hallways. The fighting will be fierce and no quarter will be given by each side. 

2-8. Splitting up

The Jesters split up in order to be more efficient and so that one of the groups can draw the enemies away from the comm station. 
Jager, Abalar, and Bright go off after Lukas in search of the Comm relay. Jegora, Kiption, Hond, and Mai are at the bottom of the 
Capitol, in some sort of armory. 

2-9. Ka-boom

Jager's team blows up the communications center with help from Lukas. Voila. 

2-10. Vengeance

Jegora's group takes vengeance on a group of NR soldiers and interrogates a young trooper, learning that the governor has fleed
the building and is on the run. Objective accomplished. 

3-1. Alfonso or bust.

The Jester's have been resupplied and reinforced by Banshee squad and are now heading to intercept Alfonso and his cohort of NR commandos. 
Must likely resulting in an awesome mad max meets starwars speeder bike race where only the best will survive. 

3-2. Break and Ambush!

Banshee and Jester have split up to follow their own objectives. Jester is going after Alfonso and Banshee is heading off to capture the governer. 
While racing to capture Alfonso Jester is ambushed. While Jester is Successful in eradicating the threat, they have lost time in their objective.

3-3. Mines ahoy.

Jester find themselves in an NR anti-vehicle minefield. Kiption is thrown from his destroyed bike and is down for the count.
Lukas and a wounded Alabar go back to find him. The others continue on after Alfonso with renewed vigor.

3-5. As I lay dying.

Alfonso has sent the bulk of his guard to halt the remaining Jesters. Mai and Jeg pressed on to catch the man with three commandos in tow. Hond moved up on 
Their flanks leaving Jager to deal with the last two, and deal with them he did. However, whilst in the troughs of celebration he was set upon by the
commando's armored skiff which left him for dead before continuing on after the remaining Squad.
Will Jegora, Mai, Bright and Hond catch Alfonso before he escapes? 
Will Lukas and his group be able to hold against the new republic forces bearing down on them? 
Will Jager die lonely, painful death that's been coming for a while?
Find out next time on Jester squad!

3-6. Surfing the Speeder.

Jegora, Mai, Hond and Bright catch up to Alfonso after fighting off more than a few determined NR commandos. Hond takes
out Alfonso's speeder after surfing on the roof and riddling the engine with blaster bolts. Jegora is currently fighting
two NR speeder bikes a short distance away, and Hond is probably hurting after being thrown a fair way. 
Mai and Bright are stuck without cover as the enemy skiff from before finally makes its move.

3-7. Help is on the way

Lukas, after successfully defending the injured troopers, takes off after Jegora's group to help with the battle. On the way
he finds Jager lying injured. 

3-8. Hah!

Jegora deals with the two commandos and orders Lukas to call for an extraction. We now have two posts to finish this up, and time 
is dwindling. Evac will pick Jager up, then the injured troopers, and then will come and get us. We have to have the Colonel 
secured by that time. 

3-9. Distractions and Fireworks

Bright and Mai work a plan to get rid of the skiff bearing down on them.
Bright goes for a long shot and acts as the distraction that Mai needs to get into position to blow up the skiff.
Instead Bright gets blown up, but Mai manages just in time to blow the skiff.
Alfonso is on the run again but he's injured and Bright is in pursuit.
Will she be or the others be able to catch him?

Ok, this is where we update where we are and what we've done in relation to the story. I would like everyone to edit this portion as we advance through the objectives. Doesn't have to be much, just do like I did above: Post number, followed by a brief synopsis of what's happened. Feel free to post on the story at will, just stick to the game plan for each objective as much as possible and post a message in the squad topic with your intent to post.


Characters of Interest[edit]

If any notable characters get written in that you want to keep track of, post a brief biography of them here so we all know who they are and what we do. This way, we can keep easy track of who's who.

  • The Colonel Dude:
He's a coward. I wouldn't worry about him in the slightest, but he does command some powerful troops, and he's our 
objective...kinda. Keep an eye out for this bloke, as he may cause us trouble in the future. He escapes from the capitol building 
just as we arrive.


Any notable equipment can go here, with supporting details.

-The APC that the Jesters hijacked- Me-m35-mako.jpg

The City[edit]

-Eriadonian planetary defence force motorpool-

The motorpool sits on the outskirts of the city, in what is known as the 'industrial district'. The area is covered by thick clouds of pollution, more so then the residential and buisness districts, for obvious reasons. The motorpool is comprised of several large workshops, several large storage area's and a main logistical building (Plus your usual barracks, mess hall etc etc. Think of it as a light military instillation)

-The City- Map of Eriadu City.jpg Map of Eriadu City 2.jpg