Twin Blade

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Old Helmet.jpg
Twin Blade is not active at this time in the Vast Empire

Twin Blade
Military Information

Twin Blade





Biographical Information









165 lbs.

Hair Color

Deep Black Color

Eye Color

Sky Blue

Personal Information

Galactic Empire

Twin Blade

Dark Dragoons
Regular Private {For Now}


Talents/Skills {Things that come easy to him}
1) Is very good with weapons, and has very accurate aim.He prefers heavy weapons when he can get them, but other then that, he'll take whatever he can get, and he'll deal with it.
2)Has studied many languages, he can only understand them, he cannot speak them.


{What had happened to him before he came a trooper.} When TB was seven, his family had little to no money, living like poor people, in fact, they were poor. TB's parents were relativly new to the their planet, and didn't know too much about it, they liked to go outside for long walks, leaving TB at home. On one sading day, his parents went out for their walk and left TB at home, but about a half and hour a wind started to pick up. "What's going on?"Said TB's dad. "I don't know, but we should probably go home.."TB's mom awnsered. But they were too late, a sandstorm had begun. His parent's eventually died that same day from exashtion and hunger.

Later that same day, TB found himself barring up the window's and the door to keep the sand out. He then sat their for several hours, not knowing what to do.

Twin Blade slowly got off the floor, and looked outside, opening a window, it was nightime. The moonlight slowly lit up the sky, while the star's hovered in the distance. Where did my parent's go? What happened to my family? Twin Blade found himself asking these questions for many years. Soon later that day, TB's uncle stopped off at his house with his landspeeder, and asked him what he was up too. TB recounted all that he could to his uncle. His uncle looked at him with his deep eyes. "This is a terrible event TB"His uncle said, always calling him by his initials. Your parent's and I have set up a plan if in case this would (Ever) happen. His uncle motioned him to the landspeeder, and TB and his uncle rode to his house.

His uncle's house wasn't too big, yet not too small. It was just about big enough for about three different people to live in. His uncle tragically lost his wife years before, so it was only him that lived their. The door was made out of a type of wood that TB had never saw before, and their was about 4-5 windows around the house, it was only one story. Inside, their was a kitchen, with pots and pans, and with much bread. There was also a bathroom, two bedrooms, and a living room where they could eat.

Later that night, his uncle gave him a fresh pair of cloths, made him take a shower, and then made him a big meal. His uncle actually had a job, which in turn was different then what TB was used too. He was always used to staying in the same cloths, and eating crumps, and if he was lucky, some mere scraps. The next day his uncle took him outside, he said that they were going to do something that Twin Blade had never done before. His uncle then withdrew two blasters,and then he pointed at a multiple wooden stools that were set up behind the house.

"You will learn how to use a blaster, as you will need it to survive the various hazards of the world."His Uncle said. He then handed him one of the blasters. His uncle motioned:"Try and shoot one of them TB!"Twin Blade looked at his blaster, and then hesitated a moment. He quickly brought it up to his eye, it was like it had come naturally to him. With one swift click, he pressed down on the trigger, and a blast quickly excelled out of the gun, and hit the bottle directly. His uncle stood there, almost perplexed by what his nephew had just done.His uncle then taught him everything he knew about a gun, and what to do during some situations.

He then spent many a day in the backyard shooting down bottles. A couple years later after they had formed quite the relationship, sadly, his uncle had passed away. TB moarned over the loss of his uncle for many days. But it was time to move on. He then sold his uncle's house to make some money.

Several years later Twin Blade eventually found himself wanting something more then living in a little cottage, and knew that he could become an excellent Stormtrooper,as he was trained with a gun for a good time. He desperately needed money, and wasn't going to stay in Tatooine, it just didn't feel like home to him.