VEN Example Skill Page - Combat

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Vast Imperial General Skill
Tier 1 "Specialisation"
Self-Defence Course Learn the basics of defending yourself.
Tier 2 "Qualification"
Infantry Tactics Learn how to fight on the ground.
Tier 3 "Certifications"
Combat Medic Become a capable medic and soldier.
Imperial Marine Become just as deadly on the ground as you are in the air.

A trio of Imperial Navy Troopers.

The Skill[edit]

You will not always have the luxury of millions of meters between yourself and the enemy. Nor will you always have the luxury of an advanced starfighter or capital ship for protection. Sometimes, things just go wrong, and the other guy gets the drop on you. You might be aboard a ship when it gets boarded, or you might be forced to crash-land and continue the fight from the ground. Either way, if you want to survive, you'll need to learn how to hold your own.

The VENA boasts an extensive self-defence and infantry combat tactics course, similar to those used for the elite Imperial Navy Commandos. You will learn armed and unarmed combat techniques and learn the basics of infantry tactics. Many naval personnel originating from other fields, or those undertaking high-risk missions are encouraged to learn how to survive in a battle outside of their craft...or if it is boarded.

"A ship can't fight back if you kill the crew."

—Agent [REDACTED], VENI Operative

Qualification Mission: "Even I get boarded sometimes!"[edit]

In this mission, you will demonstrate that you have studied the basics of combat without the aid of a starfighter or capital ship. Equipped with a DL-44 Heavy Pistol and your standard uniform, you will take part in a simulated mission where you must hold off three attackers in a hangar bay for no less than 10 minutes, or incapacitate all three before the time runs out.

Instructors will be looking for realistic storytelling and proof that you have learned the basics of using pistols and of unarmed combat, and will expect you to use creativity and ensure that your opponents are sufficiently challenging - you ARE outnumbered, after all.

ID Tag Earned: {Sd1}

Qualification Mission: "Imperial troopers have entered the base...!"[edit]

In this mission, you will not only prove that you have learned the basics of self-defence and combat using both blasters and using no weaponry at all, but that you have studied the complexities of infantry combat aboard starships, which are usually cramped and filled with corridors and storage rooms that make fighting up-close and brutal. In this simulated mission you and a team of three other pilots will have to fend off a squad of four enemy Marines whom have boarded your mothership.

Instructors will be looking for an understanding of Infantry Combat Tactics, using techniques such as flanking, suppressive fire and others. You will need to show, realistically, the challenges of fighting in cramped confines.

ID Tag Earned: {Sd2}

Skill Equipment: DH-17 Blaster Carbine[edit]

The standard weapon of Imperial Marines, the DH-17 is a powerful weapon used by the Empire and New Republic alike.

The DH-17 Carbine is the standard-issue sidearm for navy troopers, imperial marines and any other member of the Imperial Navy that is considered likely to have to take part in an infantry firefight. It strikes an ideal balance between stopping power and the ever-present risk of punching through a ship's hull, and can punch through a Stormtrooper's body armour at a range of 30 meters, though it can still kill at ranges up to four times that amount.

It is small, easily manageable and also not extremely difficult to conceal, making it a favourite weapon of Rebels, Pirates and anyone else fortunate enough to get their hands on one. It is a single-shot weapon, though it can be modified to fire in bursts. It can fire 50 shots before requiring reloading. It should be noted that it is also far more accurate than the E-11, its immediate competitor.

Naval Certifications[edit]

Once you have Qualified in Self-Defence, you are one step closer to being able to complete the following Certifications:
Combat Medic: Able to preserve life as well as take it, a Combat Medic is a soldier's best friend and is capable of changing the course of a battle.
Imperial Marine: As deadly on the ground as they are in space, Imperial Marines excel at fighting at close quarters and can fight just as well in Zero-Gravity.

Links and Resources[edit]

A list of links to resources and suggested reading that will aid you in learning how to properly role-play using this skill.

PM Hades or Dunny if you have found a link you think should be added here.

  • Note : The Vast Empire claims no credit for external sites and resources; all information provided is for fictional use only.