VEN Example Skill Page - Missionary

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Vast Imperial General Skill
Imperial Missionary
Skill 1 Required
Diplomacy Learn how to resolve conflicts without violence.
Skill 2 Required
Wartime Medicine Learn how to save lives on the battlefield.
Tier 3 "Certification"
Imperial Missionary Become a representative of the Imperial Navy

Not all wars are won on the battlefield.

The Skill[edit]

An unassuming politician from the backwater world of Naboo was able to rise to ultimate power and become the unquestioned ruler of the galaxy. He was not a soldier, and he did not fire a shot in anger. He was not a general, and did not command troops on the field unless he had to. He was a man with an iron will and the diplomatic skill to persuade an entire galaxy that his was was not only the right way, but the ONLY way. Through words, he held a dying civilisation together and transformed it into the very regime we now fight to restore. That man became known as Emperor Palpatine.

A truly skilled Imperial Missionary is one whom uses the same charisma and the power of the spoken word to move entire worlds - whom represents thousands and can begin or end wars with but a whisper. It is these individuals that hold some of the most terrible power of the Vast Empire. Tarkin had the Death Star, the Separatists had the Malevolence, but the Vast Empire has a superweapon of a different breed. This course will make you the ultimate negotiator.

Imperial Missionaries often find themselves in leadership positions or working closely with those whom do, where their charisma and charm can have maximum effect. More than a few Missionaries have also taken assignments from Naval Intelligence. An Imperial Missionary on the job wields the most powerful weapon of all: Diplomatic Immunity.

"I will not let this Republic, that has stood for a thousand years, be split in two!"

—The then-Supreme Chancellor Palpatine.

Certification Mission: "I am a member of the Imperial Senate on a diplomatic mission!"[edit]

Imperial Missionaries are experts in psychological warfare. Would you say no to her?

The negotiations you started in your Diplomacy skill post have ground down to a standstill. The delegates from the planet you are trying to sway simply cannot see why they should give up their independence. Then, disaster strikes! An unknown assailant attempts to assassinate the leader of the planetary delegation! He's hurt bad, and without your help, he will die!

You objective is simple: Using your medical skills and equipment, save the life of the dying diplomat. Then, use your new-found position of political strength to finish the negotiations and finally bring this wayward world into the Empire! You will need to work quickly in order to save the dying delegate, whom is not human. Instructors will be looking for an advanced understanding of both lifesaving procedures, but of adaptability as you turn the setback to your advantage.

ID Tag Earned: {Missionary}

Skill Equipment: Lambda-Class Imperial Shuttle[edit]

The impressive Imperial Shuttle is known throughout the galaxy.

The Lambda-Class Shuttle has been the personal transport of choice for Imperial diplomats, dignitaries and, really, anyone of repute, from the Emperor himself on down. Equipped with one of the most powerful hyperdrives that can be fitted onto a shuttle and with enough shields to shrug off even turbolaser hits, it is exceptionally difficult to detroy.

With its distinctive tri-wing shape, it is a symbol of the Empire throughout the galaxy. Whenever you are sent on a diplomatic mission, your Lambda-Class Shuttle will be a reliable, comfortable and safe method of transport.

Naval Certifications[edit]

You are now Certified as an Imperial Missionary, the highest tier of proficiency for anyone seeking to change the galaxy without use of a blaster. There is no higher pinnacle to rise to in this field of expertise - you can count yourself as one of the best.

By combining this with the highly controversial Unconventional Operations Pilot Certification, you become...well, a bit of a dick. I mean, seriously, using diplomatic immunity to infiltrate somewhere, then blow it up? That's just rude. C'mon, seriously.

By combining this with the Emergency Mechanic Certification, you can basically fix anything. People or equipment alike - you're Bob the Builder IN SPAAAAACE.

Links and Resources[edit]

PM Hades or Dunny if you have found a link you think should be added here.

  • Note : The Vast Empire claims no credit for external sites and resources; all information provided is for fictional use only.