Dovahkiin Wing

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The 62nd Vast Imperial Fighter Wing, nicknamed Dovahkiin Wing, is based aboard the Imperial-II Class Star Destroyer Halcyon Warrior. The wing constantly finds itself on the front lines of engagements large and small, thus receiving a relatively high percentage of both medals and casualties. While not so prominent as Javelin Wing, Dovahkiin is an elite wing in its own right.

Squadron Name Squadron No. Starfighter Type Squadron Commander
Barsoom Squadron 44th TIE Interceptor Unknown NPC
Deathriders Squadron 122nd TIE Interceptor Unknown NPC
Blackeagle Squadron 173rd TIE Avenger Unknown NPC
Stormfront Squadron 235th TIE Avenger Unknown NPC
Thundercap Squadron 341st TIE Bomber Unknown NPC
Darkseed Squadron 289th TIE Bomber Unknown NPC