How to Start

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Okay, on to step 2!

Most of this may seem rather obvious, but it's important that you understand that these structures are fundamental to your success as a Squadron Commander.

In the Beginning

As you first walk into this role, there's a couple of things you need to have in place. First and foremost, you need to have name for your squadron. Now, the name is something that the SC alone is charged with creating. Once you remove yourself from the squadron, that squadron will be no more (unless you choose to re-vitalize it). The name of your squadron can really be just about anything, so long as it isn't profane or so off-topic that it causes a disturbance in the ebb and flow of our VE culture. "Braniac Squadron," would be an example of something that really doesn't seem to fit in the style or context of our club, for instance...

Some examples of past squadrons would be Aegis Squadron, Viper Squadron, Nazgul Squadron, Kaph Squadron, Tu'kata Squadron, Rhegiant's Reign Squadron and Sentinal Squadron. Something military or authoritative is usually a good bet.

Step 1: Choose a Squadron Name! Note: The SC should notify the WC of his decision for a squadron name for official approval before moving on...

Now then! You've successfully decided on a squadron name. Step 2 can be a bit trickier, through...

It's time to make your second choice as SC, that is- to choose an executive officer (XO). This XO should be someone that you feel is going to be able to follow your orders well, have a good attitude toward the members, and be willing to put in a little extra effort to keep the squadron running smoothly. Also, it's ideal to have someone that you think could run the squadron in your absence (which should really never be over a week and a half, or two; other wise the position is best handed off to someone else). If you don't feel like you and your choice of XO get along on a personal level: we suggest you seriously reconsider your choice and look for other options, as the two of you will be the driving force behind the squadron.

Step 2: Choose an Executive Officer! Note: You'll be able to choose, essentially, any member who isn't already in a squadron position. Once again, you'll want to run your decision for XO past your Wing Commander to get a final approval. After that, you can approach the member and ask them if they'd like to join you. If they decline- you can't make them your XO, obviously. They have to accept.

Now that you have an XO, it's extremely important that you explain to him his basic role (which we'll come to very shortly). Also- keep an open line of communication with him through PM, keeping him updated on your progress with the squadron.

Please, continue to the next step!

Squadron Foundations

Or- back to the beginning: SC Basics