SC Basics

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Congratulations! You've been asked to take on the role of Squadron Commander, the primary leadership role in the Vast Empire Navy!

Having been asked to take on this tremendous role, you'll no doubt be having some basic questions about where you start, what your job is, and what you can expect. Not only will we do our best to answer those basic questions, but we'll also try to give you an idea of what's worked in the past as well as, in the event you need a little help, where you can get advice.

Your Duty

The Vast Empire is a gaming and writing club that was developed for the sole purpose of bringing people a broader, more individual Star Wars experience. Through the club, members can meet other fans and communicate their enthusiasm for the SW universe through fiction writing and SW gaming. Over the years, however, the emphasis on gaming (especially in the Navy) has become less and less, and the VE has drawn a greater emphasis from it's writing aspect. As a result, much of the structures and foundations of the VE have been adjusted to fit a more fiction oriented system. Therefore, though it should come as no surprise to a member such as yourself, the primary activity of the Navy is SW fiction writing!

Here's where you become involved, though-

Despite the fact that fiction writing is our primary activity, our goal in the VEN is not to write stories. We're not here to "produce" a certain number of posts, or be at a certain "activity" level. Rather, "activity" is a measure of how successful we're being at keeping our members 1) interested, and 2) motivated to spend time here. If you find another way to keep your members interested (hopefully in relation to SW or the VE), then that's actually an acceptable activity to pursue. Our goal is to maintain a friendly, energetic atmosphere where people can meet others and have a great experience.

Now, what that means for you, as an SC, is that you'll be charged with supervising activities (story-writing, meetings, contests, inter-squadron writing or gaming, etc), managing the squadron staff (making sure your XO and FLs know their jobs) and ensuring that members are rewarded for their efforts (medals, promotions, prizes, etc). If you think you've got a good grasp of what's going on so far, please continue to the next page!

How to Start

Table of Contents: