STOP! Kerest Those Men!

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STOP! Kerest Those Men!
  • Objective One
  • Objective Two
Timeline (Actual):

December 2004-January 2005

Timeline (Story):

9 ABY (Story ran over the course of 2 galactic weeks)

  • Tadath
  • Sluis Van
  • Kerest

VEA Victory

  • Thrawn
  • New Republic Forces
  • Thrawnist Forces
  • Allied Casualties
  • Enemy Casualties

Setup Criteria[edit]

The events of Alzoc III laid heavily on Rizzit's mind as nothing was being done about it. They had two men captive, which were supposedly immensely important to the New Republic; yet no rescue attempt was made. After a visit to the pair an attempt was made to retake them. It was a unanimous decision (for different reasons all around) to send them to Nariss C. Guarded by Drone Fighters, the prisoners were escorted to Nariss C. While en route, the transport ship was intercepted and the prisoners were freed.

Mission Details[edit]

"Savior" and Shantsa were tracked to be headed to the planet of Kerest. Not knowing how things would be on Kerest, it was vital to be able to pass for New Republic Soldiers. To do this, they needed a New Republic Frigate that would be capable of holding at the very least 9 people. Both the Wildcard and Storm Platoons were to be deployed, but not until the Officers (ASLs and higher) went alone to capture the frigate from the shipyards of Sluis Van. As there would be an increased amount of security than usual, they needed their numbers to be as small as possible. This also meant it there was no room for failure; thus why the officers of the Stormtrooper Corps would be going first.

Objectives and Goals[edit]

Officer Objectives[edit]

  • Select and capture a frigate that would be suitable for the coming mission
  • Get out of Sluis Van unnoticed.

Iron Horse Objectives[edit]

  • Objective One: Deploy with Jester and take out the Ion Cannons disguised as New Republic soldiers
  • Objective Two: Meet up at the outpost and help aid the other squads in the assault
  • Objective Three: Break off and take out the Savior, Shantsa, and their bodyguards trying to escape on speeder bikes.

Dark Dragoons Objectives[edit]

  • Objective One: Board Imperial Bobsleds and make for the New Republic Outpost while looking for missing Wraith Squad Members.
  • Objective Two: Draw out most of the soldiers from within the outpost
  • Objective Three: Mount an assault on headquarters on Kerest and recapture Shantsa and Savior
  • Objective Four: Break off and take out the Savior, Shantsa, and their bodyguards trying to escape on speeder bikes.

RAIDERS Objectives[edit]

  • Objective One: Board Imperial Bobsleds and make for the New Republic Outpost while looking for missing Wraith Squad members
  • Objective Two: Follow the Dragoons' lead and engage the outpost
  • Objective Three: Break off and take out the Savior, Shantsa, and their bodyguards trying to escape on speeder bikes.

Wraith Objectives[edit]

  • Objective One: Meet up with any squad possible as they were scattered in the collision with the A-Wing
  • Objective Two: Set up base Defenses
  • Objective Three: Throw snowballs at the troopers in the headquarters in an attempt to create confusion
  • Objective Four: Break off and take out the Savior, Shantsa, and their bodyguards trying to escape on speeder bikes.

Jester Objectives[edit]

  • Objective One: Deploy with Iron Horse and take out the Ion Cannons disguised as New Republic Soldiers
  • Objective Two: Break off and take out the Savior, Shantsa, and their bodyguards trying to escape on speeder bikes.

The Battle[edit]

Sluis Van[edit]

Aboard Fury's Citadel-Class Civilian Cruiser, the Kodoma, the officers of the Stormtrooper Corps attempted to sneak into Sluis Van undetected. They did so with great success. Getting out, was going to be a problem. Their timing could not have been any worse. The ISD Chimera had arrived on the scene with a similar purpose: steal the entire fleet. Grand Admiral Thrawn was originally thought to be destroying the fleet, until it was discovered by Han Solo informing Commander Luke Skywalker that Thrawn's intentions were to steal the fleet. In an attempt to cover their purpose, Fury hit a refueling station to make it look like they were refueling. Thanks mostly to assistance from three DarkJedi, a Nova Courier ship, the Sojurn was captured. This was things took a turn for the worst. Their activity was now noticed by Thrawn and TIEs were now attacking both the Kodoma and the Sojurn, forcing Fury to aide the New Republic partially in the fight. Red 4 was very grateful to the Prefect, as he would have been dead otherwise. Following a hole in the attacking TIEs the Rogue Squadron managed to create, the Stormtrooper Corps escaped Sluis Van with some success: they had their ship. They made an enemy of the Grand Admiral this day, and would one day face the consequences for it.

Kerest Space[edit]

Fury boarded the Kodoma while Angel boarded an X-Wing they had stolen from the battle at Sluis Van. There were a very small amount of fighters in the area, it was best to take them out personally before the ground assault could be prevented.

Kerest Land[edit]

Dark Dragoons and RAIDERS Squad engaged rebels in the outpost while Iron Horse and Jester Squads engaged soldiers gaurding each of the ION Cannons in the area. Iron Horse later entered the fray and helped with manning the assault. Wraiths were still injured but after securing defenses they decided the least they could do was cause confusion by throwing snowballs at everyone within range. In a desperate attempt to escape Shantsa and Savior sped off on speeder bikes with 9 of their best bodygaurds. All squads were ordered to break off and KILL Savior, Shantsa and every gaurd possible.

Mission Debriefing[edit]

  • Thrawn made off with the Katana Fleet while the Vast Empire made off with one Sentinel-Class shuttle. This is also the first time the two Imperial Remnants crossed paths.
  • Once planetside, squads broke outside of their typical groups. RAIDERS mixed with the Dark Dragoons, Iron Horse mixed in with a combination of the remaining Dark Dragoons and RAIDERS. Wraith were utterly scattered and working with whoever they could.
  • The two prisoners that had caused the Vast Empire so much trouble had finally been killed.


  • All traces of New Republic forces were wiped from existance on the planet of Kerest. Savior AND Shantsa along with their squad of loyalist bodygaurds were killed. A new planet was now under imperial control.
  • The Squads were extracted into space and retreated to Vast Empire Space.

Special Appearances[edit]

  • Luke Skywalker
  • Han Solo
  • Rogue Squadron
  • Grand Admiral Thrawn
  • Captain Ghant
  • `1LT Markus Rammas
  • Kappa Squadron