Cross of Bravery

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CoBrib.png CoBrib2.png CoBrib3.png CoBrib4.png CoBrib5.png

The Cross of Bravery is a merit for those pilots who have repeatedly shown extreme dedication and loyalty to a Squadron or Wing over a long period of time and are consistently contributing new ideas for the Squadron or Wing. It may also be awarded for participating in fleet competitions. This medal can be awarded by Squadron Commanders. Any and all recommendations for this decoration must include an Action Report and the endorsement of at least one (1) member of the NHC.

The Cross of Bravery is in the shape of an X with each point being two strands, one of gold and one of silver, wound together. In the middle is a platinum clash with the image of the Vast Empire emblem carved into the front.
Each subsequent award will be denoted by a pip on the original medal. Each pip is signified by a platinum disc. PlatinumDisc.png

Abbreviation: [CoB] Pips may be represented with colons (:) or periods (.) as follows: [CoB.], [CoB:], [.CoB:], [:CoB:] Pips can also be denoted by adding a lowercase 'o' to the end of the medal ie: [CoBoo]

Cross of Bravery Recipients

Cross of Bravery Level 2 Recipients